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Everything posted by Azlongears

  1. Azlongears

    More Sheds Found.....

    Yea I just pretended like I didnt see them laying there as we walked by, Becker hadn't found anything in a few times out so he needed the confidence boost
  2. Azlongears

    Salt licks

    Fine with me if they ban hunting over salt, Ill just sit the heavily used trails the deer travel on to GET to the salt.lol
  3. LOL- Im just razzin you KWP, you boys put all the time and effort into that lick, and its workin dang well. The deer really key into these licks at certain times of the year. It might be cause the salt helps them retain water, or that the bucks need the minerals while growing antlers, I'm not sure? It's most likely a combination of all things, but perhaps the number one reason though is the time of year when everything greens up due to the rains (be it summer or winter), the deer really start to use these licks. When the vegetation explodes like it does after rains the deer capitalize on it, and the plants are rich in Potassium. The animals need the Calcium and Magneisum that these different types of "salts" are composed of to keep their bodies in balance. Their diets are so rich that their bodies are lacking these minerals due to the fact that their food goes through them so fast (like a horse on a rich alfalfa diet). These minerals equal out their biological systems and prevent them from getting Tetney. It is not a preference thing with these deer, it is a absolute need. And us sick-butt hunters give these poor deer what they need, then shoot at them when they are just trying to get their "salt-fix"
  4. Kevin Shhhhhhhhhhh!!! Geese man, first I show you how to set up one of these licks, then you give me no props for it, and now you're pimpin out all my methods on the web!!! Ouch, perhaps I should pimp out the GPS Coord's of that little "honey hole".......................
  5. Awesome Payne Boys!!!!! Nothin like starting a lick and having the Buck you want start using it, then on top of that have him smile for the camera! Congrats, NOW GO SHOOT THAT THING....
  6. Azlongears

    you seeing any fawns?

    The fawn crop is great this year down here in the southland. Last few times we have been out we have seen multiple fawns with one mother. Lots of twins and maybe even one set of triplets? From my observations the fawn crop is the best it has been in a while.....
  7. No, not topless pictures of Kappa-Kappa-Gamma Hotties................WAY BETTER than that!! These pics are off one of the areas that we have been scouting for a while now, only thing is I can't hunt till January!!!!, and Becker is loving every second of that, prolly sharpening broadheads as we speak, hahahaahah.
  8. Azlongears

    U of A Racks!!!

    You think Josh? That whooey never even crossed my mind? But I dont see why not, that buck is standing about 500 yards from where Devin and I found Scoops horns????? Thanks for the good words all, the genetics in a given area can do wonders, all I did was follow some floppy-eared dogs that led me into this spot, lol. Andy
  9. Azlongears

    Getting into your stand

    I didn't know you couldn't use the screw in steps?
  10. Azlongears

    Hope he matches..

    Well with no tags drawn, Becker and I will be after this buck with the sticks and strings for sure!!!!! Found this horn (this years too) about 500 yards from one of the cams. Sure hope his other side looks this good?????
  11. Azlongears

    Bowhunting skills

    "I said come on down here and see what happens" ROTFLMAO
  12. Hey Coues7----- You gotta watch that Marty cat- He's prolly contemplating right now how to take over your business..........
  13. WOW-- You must have had on one of those "scent lock suits" to get that close to take that picture..............
  14. Azlongears

    Hope he matches..

    The horn was found in unit 33, Yea we were laughin when we found it sayin we could use it as an Ice Cream Scoop!!! No pics of him on the hoof yet, but I have a pretty good feeling he's gonna be hangin around
  15. Azlongears

    Nice Shed.....

    HA!!!!! The only reason you found that is cause my dogs led you right to it, slacker!!!!
  16. Azlongears

    4 point coues sheds

    Holy Shmoly Payne!!!! Forget the rifle tag, get your tail out there with that bow and kill that buck already!!! Sheesh you boys are gonna have that thing tame as a dog if you spend anymore time stumbling around his territory,lol. Good Luck Bro.
  17. Azlongears

    Pick Up---

    Went out last week and found this lion kill with Becker, boy was he fired up about me finding this in his spot,he he. Too bad we were about 3 months late for runnin this kill with the hounds ehh Beck ? Enjoy. What do you all think it scores?
  18. Azlongears


    Hey Guys-- Sorry to stir you all up, but I went back by and checked that pic out of that buck, and its no where near 139" I'd be suprised if it goes 105?. I will admit, I kinda jumped the gun on it too, when the butcher told me how big it was then showed me the pic, which I just glanced at (thats why I had to go back again, to be sure) I figured it had to be that big, heck this guy looks at hundreds of these deer each year? Oh well, but outa respect to the hunter I am not gonna post his pic. I dont know him so if he would like to or if one of you are his friend, post away. LB
  19. Azlongears

    Unit 33 Monster

    Hummmm enough said.
  20. Azlongears

    Unit 33 Monster

    Uh Oh Epperson- Look out now man, he kills one big buck and now he's ready to be a coues guide,lol. Instant Expert Syndrome has set in, big bucks have a way of doin that huh? LB
  21. Azlongears

    Unit 33 Monster

    Yea no kiddin Epperson, ya think I would have got a bit of a plug? Oh well. (Yea dude, I looked at the pics again and it wasnt this buck?) Becker must have scouted this spot for months Here are some other bucks in "Becker's spot".....................
  22. Azlongears


    Hey Southpaw-- I am in my junior year as a wildlife major at the U of A. I was too looking into the NAU program when I was deciding on a school. Tell ya the truth, NAU does not have a specific "wildlife degree" its a Biology degree with a wildlife emphisis. Here at UofA the school has a tailored wildlife program and is very credible. And to be honest with you, when I was in your shoes asking around, it was strongly suggested to get the degree form U of A, they are just a more certified institute. The classes are intense but if your into it you wont even realize the load youll be so caught up in the material. I am actually looking for another room mate for the fall and if your interested and/or want any other info, just let me know. Andy PS hate to burst your bubble but actual game wardens are more cops than anything, they spend most of their time in an office and at mettings pushing papers, but there are lots of other areas of work you can spend time out side doing research, but your defenitly not going to get rich. Let me know.
  23. Thanks for the praise guys, Hope you all can be as LUCKY as I in the future ...............
  24. We were there specificially for pigs and were hunting in the Klondyke area. Had some luck with the pigs (no kills) but saw more deer than anything. Andy