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Mrs. HC

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Posts posted by Mrs. HC

  1. That's so neat for you to be getting those girls out there! I know it can be almost frustrating at times, but would we have it any other way? These are the times that they will cherish for the rest of their lives. And you're right, it seems hard to find a lot of other young kids out there. Even more sad is the teens at our daughters school say that they want to get out, but their parents have yet to take them. And these parents are hunting. :blink:


    Congrats to you and your 'helpers'!!

  2. WhooHoooo is right!!! Best of luck to Mrs. Hunt'n Coues!! That's a heck of a buck right there!


    Jim, thanks for the name. I took Mrs. HC. I also used the avatar you suggested, (with Troy's coercion), although I'm not sure how long I can look at it because that poor thing is so dang ugly. :blink:

    I'll try to find something better soon.
