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Everything posted by BELLOTABUCKS


    Field Judging Coues

    new to coues and got a december tag!?! soak up this hunt may be a while before you get another late tag. its the longest hunt so if your seeing deer everyday you can pass on a buck that you would shoot on the last day. unless of couse its the buck that makes your heart jump in to your throat. as the home page says coues are the toughest deer to kill and at the end of the day any kill is memorable and meaningful and a blessing. not anyone can consistantly kill 100" plus every year. fact is the real world doesnt allow many of us to spend enough time scouting and honing the skill. you have a great tag good luck to you.


    driving thru on my route whole unit is bright green and chiricahuas are getting slamed right now

    My Daughter's First Bull

    couple bad boys congrats!

    Last years Elk

    dandy bull

    Buck from last year


    Guess the Score Contest!

    109 6/8

    Merriam's elk in SOAZ

    not doubting you at all but how do you know elk are in all those ranges, whetstones are very surprising

    Here is # 2

    with my .06 i would aim at the bottom of the dark circle in the bush behind him and follow the line of the far front leg for the windage. 400 yds he's dead!

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    oct 32! dont care what the temperature is all i know is they wont be shot at for a month straight and bumped all over the unit.

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    i was on river road behind san manuel in december when a pinal sherrif stopped me and said a group of ILLEGALS car jacked someone at gunpoint in the river bottom days earlier. you probably wont see any but they are there just in far less numbers

    Draw Result Are Out

    oct 32! my cousin drew late nov 33 n just realized its the same week as his elk hunt, dont know about yall but that would have been on my mind when i put in poor guy.

    Unit 32

    copper creek is good and both hendrickson ranches are good. drive as far as possible then walk in 2 miles before sun up. glass before you even think its light enough, then bed em and stalk em.

    Guess the Score Contest - Jan 2010

    133 7/8"!

    150" WMAT Coues

    have you seen the pics of the 140 inch new mex buck? jeez oh man two of the sickest racks ive ever seen and both from the same season

    150" WMAT Coues

    i got the text pics yesterday glad to see it in a bigger pic. i heard it has 6 inch bases. that bucks coat and face are as gnarly as the rack! congrats to the hunter and dont get frustrated if you never best that buck! way to shoot straight if a buck like that walked out in front of me i dont know if i could s**t straight!


    get out and find some water, real low desert mulies seem to be few and far between any more but still do exist. find some irrigation or stock ponds spend a few sunsets glassing them from a distance. or put a trail cam nearby. good luck its pretty dry out there.

    Why do you apply...

    well i will never put in for late november again. too many hunts preceeding. my first choice is a dcember hunt just in case im lucky then last 4 are combos of october and early november hunts in my two favorite units then if all that fails be on top of your game the day leftovers come out and you can have your pick of any hunt except december in all the 34's, 35's and 36's even the 30's. funny i tried to start this same topic but not as a poll and 2members replied " we choose the hunts we choose because we like to hunt" and that was it thanks i was almost confused;}

    November 27th Coues

    great buck! welcome to the site!

    Unit 36 A Nov 27th

    sums it up. i hunted the colorados too south and west sides. climbed the big double peaks to the southwest and glassed 360 degrees all day all i saw was a red dodge ram a red suv a red tacoma a white f150 and a camp of guys tearing down trees w a quad and shouting and shooting pistols all day. got up in a canyon on the west side and the hair on my neck stood up because it looked sooooo good but nada not even a doe. chose this hunt in the left overs and i probably wont hunt here again and if i do it will be october. back at home in 33 my cousin put botched stalks on 4 different 100" with two in the 110" range easy and glassed up 10 bucks in 2 days that was the salt on my wounds. 36a has some amazing country and probably some amazing bucks but they should put the youth hunt back in october and go back to 1 november hunt. at least on the smaller units

    Is this a wolf or hybrid?

    if it were a ferrel dog that would be interesting it could have husky blood. the hunt regs say wolves have a short blocky snout and shorter more round ears this profile shows it does have that just looks to purty. but this pooch isn't awefully lanky so i'll play the ferrel card

    Is this a wolf or hybrid?

    i have seen 1 very close he was way shaggier in october and was a grey brown color except most of the tail was black. but i can't call it. cool lookin pooch though great pics!

    Unit 36 A Nov 27th

    well dang! hiked my butt off in the sierritas and colorados and didn't even see a whitetail. might have monday for another crack at em but 2 days 5 miles of hiking and only seeing 6 javalinas and 5 mulies i cant even believe my eyes. i found some areas that should have been loaded with deer i mean crazy coues habbitat. just don't get it. i have rings around my eyes from having binos stuck to em but after only hearing 2 shots in two days, might just chalk this one up to a more than worthy advisary and get back to more familiar grounds next year


    read somewhere in another post about hybrids to check the glands on the leg

    Buck Photo

    juicy buck!

    family pics

    it was tradition on the way into town heading to gma's for thanksgiving and christmas to stop by and check out all the pics. good ol wagner.