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Simple Hunter

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Posts posted by Simple Hunter

  1. Morgan drew a fall Javelina tag in addition to a Youth Deer Hunt around Thanksgiving. We used this hunt as a tune-up for his deer hunt. He did real well for his first big-game hunt. No complaining and he even hauled the pig out on his shoulders. Congrats Mo! I am really proud of you!


    Another hunter is hooked for life!


    • Like 3

  2. A man who shot and killed a female Whitetail deer about 10 miles north of Sonoita is being sought by Arizona Game and Fish officials for poaching.


    Game and Fish spokesman Mark Hart says the doe was shot and left in the field on Nov. 6 near the Davison Ranch.


    A man in his mid-20s who used a tan shooting stick to prop up his rifle is being sought. He was accompanied by a man in his 40s and one in his late 20s.


    The men were camped on Davison Ranch Road in Davidson Canyon and driving a red 1990s Ford two-door pickup and a white 1990s Ford two-door pickup.


    The department is offering a $1,000 reward for the information leading to an arrest in the case.


    Anyone with information is asked to call 1-800-352-0700, anonymously if need be, and reference OGT #11-001759.




    Read more: http://azstarnet.com/news/state-and-regional/man-who-shot-deer-near-sonoita-sought/article_f89ec556-0c71-11e1-87cd-001cc4c002e0.html#ixzz1dPQ6nZSX

  3. This is sad for the ranchers, the long-time stewards of our land. Southern AZ ranchers have been battling loss from lions, drought conditions, high hay prices. Liberals are soon going to make the cost of ranching unprofitable and turn the southern arizona ranches into lot splits because that will be the only way ranchers can make money. Just wait, the Jaguar will be listed and the wolves released and we won't be able to overturn a freakin rock down south, let alone hunt. I am sorry but I know this government too well, they piss on private property rights and the elite liberals would like to eradicate humans from the environment because we are the cancer in their eyes. I am sad for my children.

    • Like 1

  4. Hey everybody thanks for the help:


    I took a little bit from everyone and they turned out delicious, here's what I did:


    The crawdads were dead when I transported them, but they miraculously came back to life when I got to the cabin ;)


    I boiled the resurrected crawdads with some salt for about 4-5 mins


    Then I pulled their head off and peeled the shell off the tail end. I found that you could grab the exposed intestine and pull it out in one piece. Then I washed them off good with water and threw them in a sautee pan.


    I threw in couple slices of butter and two cloves of garlic and sauteed them. They were delicious. If I had to do it over again, I would try to catch at least 100 'dads to make a decent appetizer. It was a lot of work for very little gain.


    Plus the 'dads in the Creek are not as big as those in the lakes.

  5. I'm selling my 2005 F-250 King Ranch. The truck has been awesome, but I've recently moved to Chile and no longer need her! The truck has the 6.0 Powerstroke, XM radio and a B&W rollover gooseneck hitch. I've already moved, but the truck is in East Mesa if you'd like to take a look. I'm asking $21,000 obo. Email me at alex.kanon@gmail.com if you are interested.



    4WD or 2WD?

  6. I had the same predicament as you in Dec 08. I made the wrong choice. I hunted the week before Christmas and wish I would've waited for the following reasons:


    1)The weather was warm in Dec 08 and didn't cool down until Christmas - in fact I didn't see any rutting activity until the 23rd. All my friends who hunted after Christmas saw rutting every day.


    2)Too much spousal pressure for you to end your hunt and get home with the family.


    Case in point I ended up settling for a much smaller buck than I wanted after waiting 6 years to draw the tag.


  7. I feel you man...I've been there. Last year for example.


    Great story, I think sometimes we expect that all the stories need to be about success, but you certainly highlighted some of the many things we take for granted when we are so focused on tagging our trophy coues - the landscape, the other wildlife, the solitude we have away from the daily grind. All wonderful things.



  8. First of all - I am not an expert glasser - but what has worked for me is focusing on the sunny hills in the AM and once I am sure I have scoured the sunny hills, I may glass the shady side of hills if it has warmed up enough to where the bucks need to find some shade...or if it is windy out, I will glass the thicker stuff (shady or sunny) to try to find the deer holed up.


    Depending on the hunt, I will try to determine when the bed down time is by watching what the does do. If the does are starting to bed, the bucks will probably follow or may already be bedded.


    ...But most importantly - when I have scoured the hills side multiple times and see nothing - I always fit in a 15 minute power nap. When I get back to glassing, my eyes are refreshed and sometimes I'll pick up a deer that may have just stood up for a second to stretch its legs before quickly bedding back down. Nothing like a power nap in the sun on a cold day. :)

    • Like 1

  9. Thanks for all the comments! By the way I forgot to mention that this buck was chasing the does. Not just hanging out with them, he was chasing them in and out of an oak thicket with the sneak pose that bucks do during the rut.


    I am guessing the cold morning got him a little frisky but...in all my years of hunting I have not seen rutting activity that early.

  10. you can have your opinions on 34A but i hope you know the world record was killed there.


    Pretty soon there will be a world record mine there too - with world record jobs - and a world record economic boom to the economy. God Bless the USA and capitalism while it still lasts. Would you rather China come in and mine it for us? Pretty soon China will call our debt due and take it back with all the resources we refuse to mine, drill, and log.


    Find another unit - the deer already heard about the mine and all went west into the 36 units.
