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Posts posted by jeffcros

  1. So my dad and his friend Troy from Colorado had early rifle WT tags here in AZ this year. Morning started off pretty well, I glassed up a group of 4 bucks, two were little and two were 100+. They were closer to my dad and brother, after some manuevering my dad was able to take the heavier buck with two well placed hits. The other deer just went down the hill and calmed back down. We made our way over to try and take the other nice one but Troy got a touch of buck fever and the other uck got away. We saw a few more buck but couldnt make it happen. We had a great trip and had alot of fun with family. Heres some photos-post-2457-0-45026600-1351570765_thumb.jpgpost-2457-0-60552500-1351570828_thumb.jpgpost-2457-0-40439000-1351570847.jpgpost-2457-0-30911900-1351570905.jpg


  2. With all do respect to everyone here it is not a grey area at all. Baiting itself is perfectly legal as long as you are not baiting bears. We have had this discussion many times on here.


    I wrote up a whole thing on it with the laws attached, go to your search bar and type in "Laws Regarding Baiting" and you can see it. You can hunt over, around or with bait all day long (again) as long as it is not for bear.


    If your damaging the land with salt or cutting up trees to make an area or blind for it then that is a different story. But it is 100% legal...see the other post to view the law. Think about it...if hunting over bait was illegal then we wouldn't be able to hunt over water holes or oak groves etc.


    You, really going to compare natural food sources and water to dragging out bags of sweet feed, corn, deer cane or what ever you flavor is, that is one of the dumbest pro baiting arguments I have heard. .

    It is the same thing... an attractant. food is food, acorns or corn, salt or water, whats the difference? If baiting is illegal. is there any difference in the two. The laws can be read different ways, depends on who is reading them.

  3. Remember bears are pretty lazy, they will eat whatever is easiest. If acorns are thick then bears will likely be harder to call. Water is a very good way to get them during October. Check for tracks on tanks, springs,ect. If there is fresh tracks you in business. Like mentioned earlier they will visit water more trying to digest all the acorns they are eating. good liuck

  4. Hers some pictures from last weekend. Ran up to one of my brothers spots to try for deer before the season ended. Took a turkey at 15 yards out of a pop up then took a buck oiut of a tree stand at 18 yards. Its amazing at what hard work and scouting does! Heres a few before the shot and after the shot photos. Buck scores 87 4/8 Enjoypost-2457-0-23115500-1347495558.jpgpost-2457-0-40029400-1347495586.jpgpost-2457-0-92644400-1347495604.jpgpost-2457-0-90167400-1347495625.jpg

