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Everything posted by jonesface

  1. jonesface

    Vortex vs Brunton

    Im looking at getting a pair of binos. Something under $1,000 dollars in the 15x power. The two I came up with are Vortex Viper or Brunton Eterna. Just wondering what any of you guys think about these pair of binos.??. Any experience with them? Thanks
  2. jonesface

    Vortex vs Brunton

    Yeah I have to agree. I am having a hard time trying to convince my wife to let me spend 2K for a pair of binos that I will use once or twice a year. Everywhere I have looked for 15x's Swaros is about 2K.(Unless someone out there knows a place to get them cheaper) I might just do what Red Rabbit said and look at the new Vortex Kaibab. They have them at Bear Mountain here in Mesa. Thank you guys for all your imput. Im going to keep my eyes open for a pair of used Swarovskis or Zeiss.
  3. jonesface

    2 ?s

    Thank you guys for your help I appreciate it.
  4. jonesface

    2 ?s

    Ok I have two questions that you guys might be able to help me with. 1st. We have a pack of coyotes here at work that we see on a regular basis except on days like today.(Cold and windy) It seems like they disappear when the weather is like it is.(ecspecially windy days) On any other given day we can go out and see them. But days like today they disappear. Does anybody know where they go or what they are doing? (In city limits so cant shoot them!) 2nd. When you hunt in flat terrain but brushy,(Mesquite and cholla ect..) how do you get elevated to see those coyotes coming in?(No mountains around) Thanks for the help!
  5. We had a great hunt last week. These are the two guys we were able to tag this year. I want to thank Dodger2. I couldnt have done it without your help. Lots of great memories with my brothers. 1st coues!
  6. jonesface

    A little late but here we go

    This has been a fun but hard hunt. Since Aug. we have made a dozen trips to the Galiuro Mountains. At first it seemed like we were hitting a brick wall. Every road we went down was closed off due to private property. It seemed like it was going to be a tagless hunt. We put up a trail cam along Copper Creek Rd. and were able to get a few deer but nothing worth going after. Then I got talking to Dodger2 and he lead me in the right direction. I really do owe it all to him and this website for the help I got. We then went over to the east side of the Galiuros and started seeing things I liked. We went up to the area Thanksgiving night. Friday morning was wet and foggy. Saw a few deer but no bucks. By Friday evening the weather cleared for a wonderful weekend. Friday evening I saw a forkie chasing a doe. About a hour later I saw four bucks together about 800yrds away just feeding. I didn't have a spotting scope with me but I could tell with my binos all of them were decent bucks! We only had about 45 minutes of light left so we decided to go after them Saturday. Saturday we didn't see anything except hunters everywhere. I had to bring my two brothers home Sun because they had to go to work Mon. Monday David and I left our houses here in Gilbert at about 8:30am. We got back to camp at around 2. We ate some lunch and then made our hike. We hiked about an hour and then glassed. I spotted the four bucks again about 500 yrds away. David and I left our packs and headed over a ridge to get a closer shot. We found them about 200 yrds away and I shot first then David. Both shots dropped them right in there tracks. The shots were make around 5:15pm. By the time we got back to camp it was a little after 10. We packed up camp the next morning and headed home. It was a great hunt, wonderful country and weather! I had a great time. It was worth all the disappointment in the beginning.
  7. jonesface

    A little late but here we go

    sorry I had to down size them
  8. jonesface

    For all you jav. hunters

    Sweet Pics! Those are some fat pigs!
  9. jonesface

    Unit 33 late nov/early dec.

    I thought about this too. I dont have unit 33 but I do have this same time. Like everyone else has said, walk an hour. That will get rid of 90% of the hunters. I think we will have cooler weather than we have now and we will have a New Moon!!! That should help out a lot.
  10. jonesface

    7mm MAG

    I use 160 Federal Premium Nos Partition. Dropped one last year right in its tracks.
  11. I want to get this baby out and shoot some yotes. I was hitting dime size groupings at the range at 100yrds with her.
  12. jonesface

    Great time in unit 32

    Congrats on the buck. Headed there in two weeks!
  13. jonesface

    New pictures

    I Hope You Do TOO!!!
  14. jonesface

    Unit 32

    Hi everyone new member. Have been reading on this site for a while and a lot of good info. Very knowledgeable hunters. I have a question about unit 32. I have a Nov28 to Dec4 tag. I hunted down there last year for quail and saw a lot of deer sign. So i decided to put in and got drawn. I have been down there scouting several times this year and have found that areas that were open last year are now gated off and no tresspassing signs up. Im hunting on the west side of the Galiuro mtns and plan to stay over there unless i cant find any bucks soon. I have seen a few doe but that is all. Im not looking for any hot spots (unless your willing to give them out JK) just some places to see some bucks I would appreciate any help i can get. any roads you suggest or phone numbers to call? thanks!
  15. jonesface


    37A Rifle
  16. jonesface

    Unit 32

    Im going to try to be there.(coming from Gilbert) 4hr round trip. Can I get an exact address(Mapquest)?
  17. I was just getting everyones 2 cents on the Nikon Buckmaster scopes with the BDC recticle. Does anyone have it and do you like it?
  18. jonesface

    Unit 32

    Yeah I bet you that selfish Outfitter does. I bet you he can tell you all of the roads he had closed.
  19. jonesface

    Unit 32

    Unless something is done, the problem you're seeing in Unit 32 is going to snowball until we're all left hunting just a few patches of public land that still have access. I'm going to ask everyone's indulgence with the following very long excerpt from an article I wrote for this fall's Arizona Wildlife News, a publication of Az Wildlife Federation. This is what we're up against. Some landowners partner with outfitters to sell guided hunts offering clients exclusive access to Federal lands. Previous owners of the Cross F Ranch in the Santa Teresa range advertised “old west-style buffalo hunts” on their ranch, which was mainly comprised of state trust and BLM lands with only a small percentage of privately deeded land. In the Skeleton Canyon area, private landowners are effectively managing the public’s deer herds by managing the deer hunts. Game & Fish might decide how many tags to issue for a given Hunt Unit, but private landowners get to decide how many people will hunt on the Federal lands where they control the access. THIS IS EXACTLY Whats happening!!!!! What can we do?
  20. jonesface

    Unit 32

    Just found out today from the AZGFD that last year a lot of the Ranchers were letting 25 people go through there land to hunt as long as you paid a $25 fee. (That is why last year I was able to go places that I cant this year) Found out this year an Outfitter went to all of these ranches in 32 and made a deal with them to put up gates and locks for X amount of dollars. The only way you can go through this private property now is if you book a hunt with this Outfitter group which is $1000. Mercer Ranch and other ranches will not let you through this year. GF didn't give me the name of the Outfitter group. This is the case on the east and west side of the Galiuro Mtns. GF said they are working with the state and federal government to build roads around these private properties but will take several years. So good luck to anybody that has a 32 tag! If that's true, it's a prime example of why i don't care much for some of these outfitters. GF told you this?? Yes
  21. jonesface

    Unit 32

    Just found out today from the AZGFD that last year a lot of the Ranchers were letting 25 people go through there land to hunt as long as you paid a $25 fee. (That is why last year I was able to go places that I cant this year) Found out this year an Outfitter went to all of these ranches in 32 and made a deal with them to put up gates and locks for X amount of dollars. The only way you can go through this private property now is if you book a hunt with this Outfitter group which is $1000. Mercer Ranch and other ranches will not let you through this year. GF didn't give me the name of the Outfitter group. This is the case on the east and west side of the Galiuro Mtns. GF said they are working with the state and federal government to build roads around these private properties but will take several years. So good luck to anybody that has a 32 tag!
  22. jonesface

    Nikon Buckmaster BDC

    WOW thanks for the info Aint going to lie a lot of that went way over my head I think I got the gist of it though
  23. jonesface

    Nikon Buckmaster BDC

    Thanks for the info everyone. I went ahead and bought it 4.5-14x40 buckmaster with the BDC for my 22-250. Im excited to see how it shoots now! What is the purpose of the parallax adjustment just to focus at those different yardages?
  24. jonesface

    Where to hunt in unit 31

    Im having the same problem with 32. I know 31 a little bit try around Imperial Mtn. Glass one ridge and move to the next. GOOD Luck!