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Posts posted by desertbowhunter

  1. Everyone always wants to blame the broadhead. I beleive that any razor sharp broadhead will do the job. I shot a muley on the the first of January with a undertaker broadhead and the entry and exit holes were simply amazing. My buck only made it 30 yards and was expired within 30 seconds. I am a person who shoots year round and I am very confident in my equipment. Adam in my own opinion if you felt confident in taking a 95 yard shot then more power to you, you shouldn't have to answer to anyone. Last year I also lost a muley and the shot looked perfect, and I shot him with a wac'em at thitry yards bedded down broadside looking away from me. When I shot him I thought he would be forty or fifty yards dead but he wasnt. I had decent blood for 100 yards then he just quit bleeding. I had a complete pass through and found my arrow. There was great blood on it also. I looked for him for 5 days and had about 7 or 8 people helping look and ended up not finding him. The reason Im sharing this I guess is because things happend and all you can do is learn from it. Now are people gonna tell me that thirty yards is to far to shoot at a bedded animal, or tell me to switch broadheads? Who knows, all I know is I hope you find your buck and good luck to you.

  2. Way to Go, Ernie!!!! ;) Great Buck!! I am so impressed with what a hunter you have become, and I bet your Dad sure is proud as well!!! ;) Congrats.... and hurry up and get Dad one so we can see some more pics!!!


    Hey, thought you'd like to know that Colton passed up a coues buck that would have gone over a 100" yesterday. The buck was rutting a doe and was all around him for like 30 min..... he didn't shoot cuz the buck didn't have a g3 on the right side. :blink: :lol: :lol: Crazy! :lol:

    Wow that's amazing to pass a coues up like that. But the way I see it is if the buck don't do for you let him walk. I guess that missing g3 saved that bucks life. Good Luck to guys and go stick'em!!

  3. Ok guys, I posted some of my other photos and was talking about trying to get a coues with my bow. Well it looks like I'm going to have to wait another year to try for one. I helped my dad and some other family members through the month of December and after seeing all the big muley bucks running around, I got stuck on muleys again, I couldn't help myself. Here is some pictures of my buck and I have to say that I am very excited and happy with my choice to take him. When I shot him he was lip curling and had no clue I was anywhere around, I can still picture him in my sight window with my sixty yard pin on his vitals as if it just happend a second ago, that is something I will not soon forget! I hope everyone enjoys the pictures. post-2923-1230950263_thumb.jpgpost-2923-1230950298_thumb.jpgpost-2923-1230950347_thumb.jpgpost-2923-1230950388_thumb.jpg

  4. ha! I was trying to post pics that would kind of hide that, but I guess I didnt do a very good job. It was a up hill shot through a small lane and all I had was a neck shot. He was bedded down in some really thick stuff so I figured at 150 yards it would be an easy shot but I hit about 2-3 inches from where I was aiming. At least he didnt feel anything I don't think he even flinched after I shot him. :lol:

  5. Just to add some details for everyone. This buck ended up scoring right at 108. I shot this buck in December of 2006. I glassed him up right at daybreak on opening day at roughly a 1000 yards. I glassed him feeding in a big ocotillo thicket, I watched him for about an hour till he bedded down. Once I had my landmarks as to where he was bedded I made my move. To make a long story short it took five and half hours to find him again. When I found him all I could see was the tips of his antlers. I snuck to within in 150 yards and shot him out of his bed. He didn't know what him. It was one of the most exciting days of hunting I have ever had. The cool part was seeing the look on my dads face when he first laid eyes on him. That is a day I will never forget!

  6. I wanted to post this buck because it's the last coues I shot. I have been stuck on mulies for the past couple of years, but after looking at some of these pics I think my coues deer fire is starting to burn again. With January fast approaching it's game on. I just have to stay away from those ruttin mulies.By the way I was way more happy that day I shot this buck than the pics look. I think I was in shock. :rolleyes: post-2923-1228880945_thumb.jpgpost-2923-1228881062_thumb.jpg

