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Posts posted by bwhntr

  1. Unfortunately the rabies test could not be completed. Prior to me telling my taxidermist that I wanted to have it tested for rabies, he had already removed the brain from the skull and put it in the trash. A wildlife biologist from game and fish stopped by and picked up the brain, but part of it was missing. They need the complete brain to test it. Fortunately nobody was "exposed" according to the Maricopa County biologist at the lab. My taxidermist used the proper precautions when handling the cat as did I.


    Thank you all for your comments and concerns.


    FYI--If you are exposed to rabies you need to seek treatment ASAP! If you wait for symtoms to appear, it will be too late.

  2. Thanks for the info guys! I actually called a AZG&F biologist this am. He picked up the brain from my taxidermist and brought it for testing. I should find out the results tomorrow. I will post the results when I get them.




    555- I tried sending you a pm, but i couldn't for some reason. Thanks for the info.

  3. I h initially thought it was rabid. I asked taxidermist what he thought when I brought it to him. The at appeared healthy, but young. We concluded that it probably did not know what I was because I was in full camo sitting behind a downed tree with just the top of my head visible to the cat.


    Has anyone seen a rabid animal before? Do they always have visible symtoms? How is the testing done? Do they just need a tissue sample?


    Thanks for input?






