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Posts posted by ccran

  1. I'm looking for suggestions on a new pack for this year. I know there are many good ones out there. Must have atleast 4500cubic inch capacity, and hydration compatable. Who has pro's or con's on internal or external frames. I looking to pack into the back country this year for archery season and get it done the hard way. I have a Badlands and I'm not really impressed with it. Anyone ever use the Outdoorsman???

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  2. Shot my first buck last year on opening day of August, a nice cute little spike coues, with a nice little hole in each lung. I have managed to save the last package of venison for this weeks dining fare. Hard to believe I made such a small deer last all year. Venison for birthdays and holidays are the only way to make a little coues last until the next hunting season. I will atleast try to wait until the 2nd day of the hunt to shoot something this year. no reason to go back to work so soon, when you have a four day weekend. Good luck to you all.

  3. I shot Montecs for 5 years, I have lost two bucks with while shooting them, but I won't put the blame on the broadhead, shot placement is the most critical element I can think of. . They always tuned up easily and flew straight. I just never liked the fact I had to sharpen them out of the package, but they are durable. Gonna try the Swackers this year. So far I am pleased with the flight of them.

  4. Well I put electrical tape around the ferrel in front of the opening blades like the instructions say and shot this Swacker a dozen times. I finally quit when I started to shave the fletching off my other arrows. Thing flies just like they say, straight and fast, 2" group at 30 yards with no adjustments necessary.

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  5. Im going to try Swackers this August, it will be my first mechanical broadhead. I have always used G5 Montec, and I have only killed one very tiny coues, and few jackrabbits. Anyone else on here ever use Swackers, if so what did you think? I know this topic has been worn thin over the years, but hey the season is about to fire up and Im getting an itchy trigger finger.

  6. I have heard nothing but GOOD about Bull Basin's Tucson location. Will at Gila Outdoors here in town is who I plan to have put the strings on, I just don't know what flavor to choose if you know what I mean. I only want quality that is going to last. I have gotten two years out of the factory Fuse string, and I shoot a lot. Really a lot. With no apparent serious wear and tear. I just know that it is time to change them out. There have been great suggestions and all will be considered.
