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Posts posted by Coues&Bass

  1. I will let him know Keith. Have you been down to San Felipe with Dennis before or hunted with DCOutfitters? I can not wait can't sleep at night. Last time we went down we went on a 4 day trip and came back with 2 ice chests full of fillets just for Dad and I. Shrimp will also be in season so I plan on bringing some big O tiger shrimp back.

  2. Well people I have read about alot of bad stuff happening in Mexico but I am going to take my chances. Leaving on Saturday Oct 9th for San Felipe Mexico with about 7 other people in two different vehicles. I hope when I get back I can only tell you what a positive trip it was. I have been on this trip one other time and one Whitetail hunt and I did not experience any issues. So I hope when I get back I can share the trip with you and show you all the pics of the fish and squid we catch.


  3. Well it is almost like a tradition to stick a rabbit or two in the dutch oven while in camp. I boil it out for a bit with some water and chicken stock. I then add some more chicken stock veggies, potatoes, onion and garlic cloves and cook it awhile longer. The key is to cook till rabbit is ready to fall off the bone. To soon and it will be tough or to long and it looks like charcoal.


    Which brings me to another story. I completed most of the steps above the night before then I buried the dutch oven to put the finishing touches on the rabbit stew. Well I guess the coals were a little hot and the stew was maybe a little short on liquid. So anyways we roll back into camp and pull the dutch oven out of the ground. I pop the lid and all I can see is some charcoal in the corner of the dutch oven and a few carrots and some onion. The charcoal was the rabbit. There were no bones or anything just a ball of charcoal rabbit. To this day I cook rabbit in camp just to redeem myself from the charcoal stew I treid to feed my camp. I still to this day 6 years later catch sh$t for it.


    my 2 cents.
