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johnnie blaze

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Everything posted by johnnie blaze

  1. johnnie blaze

    Spooked buck advice.

    Our stand is on water with a lot of scrub oak around. they'll be back then, maybe not today or tomorrow....but they'll be back
  2. johnnie blaze

    AZ law

    but there wasn't a sign that said please shut the gate
  3. johnnie blaze

    Spooked buck advice.

    What's your stand on? Water? "Salt"? A game trail?
  4. johnnie blaze

    ASU Basketball

    How bout a ND dime bag lol
  5. johnnie blaze

    36c Ranch access

    Jim has a key :-)
  6. johnnie blaze

    Late season archery success

    There is no secret. Until you have hunted your a$$ off and killed one spot and stalk on these late hunts you don't know what your up against, any one that wants a tag be my guest.+1 I got drawn this year in 5bs. Oh, I seen bulls every day....but....the ground is like walking on broken eggshells until around 10am. If you don't have any wind....forget about it. And don't forget, these are the leftover animals from like four previous hunts? And to do it with a bow....congrats guys. On top of it all, these are good bulls. I'm guessing two of the biggest you guys saw huh.
  7. johnnie blaze

    Wanting to get Good at Glassing

    Just pretend you're trying to find Waldo
  8. johnnie blaze


    get r dun....send like I get most action on water at last light....just sayin
  9. johnnie blaze

    best way to cook a deer roast

    did it make a terd? Dude it was really good. It was probably the best best roast I ever had. But I haven't had many great roasts. can never go wrong with a can of mushroom soup
  10. johnnie blaze


    Keep the wind in your face bro
  11. johnnie blaze

    Call In

    Was it the hoochie mama?
  12. johnnie blaze

    best way to cook a deer roast

    did it make a terd?
  13. johnnie blaze

    2 Whitetail processed, warning picture heavy

    I guess my next question is was it laborious?
  14. johnnie blaze

    Anyone hunting 33 in December?

    LOL, There will be less people out there in December than any other hunt
  15. johnnie blaze

    Best way to cook a wildcat?

    I'm a fan of Lark
  16. johnnie blaze

    last minute advice

    "Get high"? Don't overlook sitting water, even though it may seem wet out....Elk are as habitual as cattle.
  17. johnnie blaze


    Way back in the day before they made commercial tripod adaptors and azz gaskets, we used the black insulation padding the HVAC guys wrap around duct work.
  18. johnnie blaze

    2 Whitetail processed, warning picture heavy

    Just for shizandgiggles..... Do you think you got the same amount of meat in return as if you were to have it commercially processed? More/less?
  19. johnnie blaze

    az quail limited out

    Two limits in 3 hrs? Now that's a honey hole.
  20. johnnie blaze

    What is the Ultimate Hunt?

    You could buy a lot of dream hunts with $9,000,000Pffftttt, 9mill is a drop in the bucket
  21. johnnie blaze

    What is the Ultimate Hunt?

    Just buy this and you can go year after yearhttp://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrTcdeYgUxWn6cAzMdEDN04;_ylu=X3oDMTBydmltOXB0BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNgRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkAw--/RV=2/RE=1447883288/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.whitneylandcompany.com%2fother_Mexico.htm/RK=0/RS=7oKyptjpsPBH8NvAirpVDfjYSlg-
  22. johnnie blaze

    SD Pheasants

    It was a compliment. It was written very well.
  23. johnnie blaze

    SD Pheasants

    You must be a writer :-)
  24. But of course, the owners would need to be willing
  25. Maybe somebody should get the RMEF involved. Much like they did herehttp://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrTccINUktW97IA1KBEDN04;_ylu=X3oDMTByc2tqNmZuBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDOQRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkAw--/RV=2/RE=1447805582/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2frmefblog.blogspot.com%2f2015%2f07%2ftenderfoot-creek-drainage-land.html%3fm%3d1/RK=0/RS=yhJM7EdW.RKy0SDLgCmm9Luwhwg-