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Everything posted by azshtr

  1. azshtr


    Is there an opinion here or are you just copy pasting something? I can say for myself… this law put me out of insurance ( Mine did not have maternal, Im 52 and fixed ) and my new plan with the same company BCBS was almost double. My plan was a great plan except for the maternity coverage. I ended up with a higher deductible plan that has added maternity for roughly the same cost. I can't or plan to have more kids. Plus I needed to kick my son (24) off of the plan to keep the cost reasonable.
  2. azshtr

    2 yr old German shorthair pointer FS

    This statement cracks me up… "GSP, just a little hyper". Seriously, great dogs, awesome bird finding machines. A little hyper might be a tad conservative from my experience.
  3. azshtr

    Rancher Showdown

    The more I learn this whole land grab, beyond the Bundy's, stinks to high heaven.
  4. azshtr

    Rancher Showdown

    I started as leaning towards the BLM, the more I learn I think this seriously stinks. Harry Reid (if true) should be shoot (I love the auto correct on this… I used a bad word) canned for his hand in this. However Bundy did himself no service by stop paying fees.
  5. azshtr

    Rancher Showdown

    If this is true there are serious issues going on. http://www.infowars.com/breaking-sen-harry-reid-behind-blm-land-grab-of-bundy-ranch/
  6. azshtr

    Rancher Showdown

    Live feed http://www.infowars.com/breaking-cliven-bundy-to-meet-with-clark-co-sheriff/
  7. azshtr

    Rancher Showdown

    The live feed shows the BLM caravan leaving and they are about to release all cattle.
  8. azshtr

    Rancher Showdown

    As I learn more I am leaning in the ranchers side. This one stinks. However I do dislike ranches who feel they own the land. I even had one who came into camp and wanted to see tags on the deer hanging. Again this was in the Dragoons and this rancher is well known. I do agree that the power of the federal is getting WAY out of control.
  9. azshtr

    Rancher Showdown

    Sounds like perhaps a behind the scenes issue, I don't know. I do know when he stopped paying the lease fees he didn't help his possition. I also know ranchers who lease land for grazing act like they own it. Not all but some I've run into.
  10. azshtr

    22 South Archery Bull November Hunt

    TJ? Can you connect us? My son has his first elk tag ever and I'd rather work with others than conflict.
  11. azshtr


    The NSA heard that
  12. Used car salesmen are angels compared to this slug.
  13. azshtr

    Best places to flyfish

    Other than Lees Ferry and a couple very well known places, those guys are pretty tight lipped about places. Reminds me of this group with hunting places They are a good source though.
  14. azshtr

    Anyone concerned about this WEATHER

    I don't care about the weather… I drew a tag with my kid for the first time! It will be memorable regardless.
  15. azshtr

    Redneck Road Rage

    She had no obligation to speed up, just to pass the 2 trucks on her right, so the a-hole could pass her, just to then need to get back in the left lane to turn. She was driving very safe, and therefore, the one hand on the wheel was fine (how do amputees drive with only one arm?). This was city driving not highway. If people would chill the f out all would be better off.
  16. azshtr

    Redneck Road Rage

  17. azshtr

    Redneck Road Rage

    I'm not sure I agree with you gents on this one. She was on a city street, doing the speed limit (I'm guessing), with a left turn coming up, in the rain. There were vehicles she had passed that were on her right (you can see them right at the very beginning of the video, then she finally got past them near the end), they even went through a school zone. This was not a highway or byway. It's called city traffic driving. I put this one at 10% her fault, 90% his fault, 110% over reaction on his part and an F for driving skills on both parts.
  18. azshtr

    dash cam suggestions

    The Russians sure seem to know all about dash cams.
  19. azshtr

    Get in shape for that Elk tag!

    Dang there goes a good thread.
  20. azshtr

    Vortex Ranger Rangefinder $315

    We are meeting Saturday to trade… money for range finder
  21. azshtr

    They are starting to hit CC

    I'd give you hug but I'm going scouting
  22. azshtr

    Vortex Ranger Rangefinder $315

    I do. I'll text you
  23. azshtr

    Diamond ring for sale or trade

    I know that look… she's mad at you.