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Posts posted by AntlerObsession

  1. We butchered a goat for some big family function. His name was Taco. And that's what he ended up. Delicious! Even the ritzy fancy family members that nobody likes to invite because theyre all snooty liked the flavor.


    Mmmmm... Taco.

  2. I have a 1997 Toyota 4Runner I am selling. Located in Mesa. Been a great truck, mostly my daily commuter. With the addition of another little one, just too small for the family. 168k miles, 4x4, electric everything, auto transmission, V6 engine, tires are at 60%, drive train runs as well as the day it drove off the lot. It was in an accident before I bought it, so there is some body work that has been done. Would make a great first car or a sweet hunting rig. Asking $2,900 obo. Let me know if you're interested.



  3. There are so many scenarios where hunters can't close the deal.


    Big buck in an area where a couple guys hunt, one gets there too late, the other too early and the buck is just too smart.




    AMAZING BUCK in an area 11 miles from the road, FINDER hears Hunter found a big buck so he follows HUNTER to his parking spot, rides his horses 11 miles into area and parks said horses next to HUNTER's horses during Oct. hunt last year. Sees HUNTER start to move in on big buck, so fires off 3 or 4 rounds from about 1400 yds away to scare buck off and then beats cheeks back to town so he can sell said buck to the highest bidder.


    But we're just speaking hypothetically though. . . Anybody think of any other hypothetical scenarios where the HUNTER wouldn't be able to close the deal? My scenario would make that pretty tough, wouldn't it?

    • Like 2

  4. How do I "Could not say it better myself" this post. A simple "like" doesn't cut it.


    I take no fault with the tag holder. He is who he is, and does what he does, and pulls the trigger on big deer somebody points at on a mountain he's never been on before. He feels as good about it as he needs to.


    However, to Mathews point, the watermark tells nothing of the true story behind a deer like this, and especially this deer. Credit should be given to the true HUNTER who found this deer. Not the FINDER who got the finders fee, not the OUTFITTER(S) involved, and not the TAG HOLDER. The HUNTER.





    Lol this is fun, I wanna chime in and get called jealous and poor too.


    1) You bet I'm jealous

    2) You bet I'm too poor to afford the auction tag

    3) You bet I'm not lucky enough to win the raffle tag


    Coues D congrats on an AMAZING buck. If you can afford to buy the tag for the next 10 years then by all means Id say do it. You've obviously worked very hard to be in a position to do something like that. Oh and where do I find a wife that'll buy me a tag like that? Sign me up. (Yes jealous)


    As far as the outfitters.. This is how it usually goes..


    -Animal gets killed

    -Watermark goes on the picture

    -Picture is posted with no story or background info

    -People chime in with (probably true) side stories

    -We all get called poor and jealous until the fun wears off and the next big animal is killed


    More than I wanna discredit the outfitter, I wanna know exactly who deserves the credit? Yeah you booked the client, put him on the buck, he shot it blah blah blah thats great and all but who put the time in scouting, behind the glass, setting and checking cams? Who found it? Was there a finders fee involved? I think that mosts peoples problems with all this, by not giving credit where credit is due, its like the outfitter is taking all the credit for it. Maybe they deserve all the credit?? Maybe the guys at a3 have been watching this buck since it came out the womb, who knows..


    but by the silence and lack of story theres a good chance thats not the case.

    • Like 1

  5. how does it work? cuernos found it, then called A3 because they have a contract with the auction hunter so he can come over and shoot it? just asking srs question if anyone knows


    how bad would it suck if you were a local with a tag and watch it all summer then it gets smacked before the season even starts by a Thurston Howell and his crew



    maybe they need an asterisk next to the animal in the books. *shot with year long auction tag.


    or maybe theyll just start listing the name of the outfitter instead of the hunters in the books lol

    Cuernos didn't find it. And neither did A3. Hopefully the true story gets told. It's a doozie.
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