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Posts posted by AntlerObsession

  1. Good law - AZ should adopt the same basic law for all big game species



    Why create a law that is an ethical issue and is unenforceable. You can't police ethics! Nothing in life is 100% and to think that just because someone is unable to recover game that they made some unethical choice is not realistic. The best hunters in the world, meaning lions, tigers, wolves etc. are successful maybe 10% of the time, to think that human hunters should never wound something is silly, its just part of hunting.



    Umm..... I would disagree with the "unenforceable" comment. Seems like Alaska enforced it just fine. ;) :lol:






    Only because the events were recorded and broadcast on TV! They wouldn't have a chance otherwise!


    Though I disagree with gov't regulating the ethicallity of a shot, or what is the acceptable effort required trying to recover a wounded animal, I think it is necessary for hunters to feel responsible for every bullet they shoot and every arrow they let fly, and the consequences of doing so irresponsibly. Will I be so cavalier next time I'm out hunting, knowing that if I injure an animal with long shots in windy conditions, etc., I will need to recover it or I go home empty-handed? Not that Ted's circumstances fall into this category, but a social stigma about hunting is proliferated by so-called hunters that empty boxes of ammo at deer obviously beyond their effective shooting range, and leave without so much as checking for a blood trail because the deer didn't drop in its tracks.


    So, I guess the question is: How can we teach proper ethics principles, so that people can govern themselves, instead of having a gov't agency do the governing?


    What about a long range shooting class that educates on the art of distance shooting, with your own weapon, and at the end, they indicate your effective shooting range based on your abilities shown in a long range field test? I would probably walk out with a range of 40 ft, but I would take that class! That is, if they didn't confiscate my weapon for complete incompetence!!

  2. Well, please mark a BiG one off my bucket list!! I had the privilege of going hiking with my friend Danny Sanchez, his cousin Mark and his lion dog, Spot. Danny has had him for about a week, and we weren't sure how good he really was, but Spot quickly put our doubts to rest!!


    Saturday morning, we headed out before daylight, not more than 30 minutes from the house. We unloaded at the trailhead, expecting to do a +/- 8 mile hiking trip, hoping we might cut a lion track, and see how Spot reacted. About 13 minutes from the truck, less than .5 miles, Spot started hitting a trail, and came up baying!! We followed him up a canyon, and it hadn't been a minute, when his baying changes, and the GPS unit indicates "Cat treed!"


    Disbelieving that he could actually be on a lion so quickly, we hurry to the tree, and sure enough, a mature lion steps out on a tree limb, mad as Hades! As soon as we arrive, he jumps the tree, and the race is on again! We follow Spot another 200 yds., but he doesn't seem to be indicating any particular tree, and we wonder if the cat has given us the slip. As we are scanning tree tops, all of a sudden, Mark yells,"He is right above you!!" Afraid to look up, and perhaps catch the cat full in the face, I cringe and hurry away from the tree I had just been leaning against, and look up to see that cat not 10 ft above me!! More to follow . . . Gotta head to work!


    And . . . We're . . .Back!


    So now I know where the saying "Barking up the Wrong Tree" comes from! So I get clear of the tree enough to see that this cat is mad as ever, and probably deciding on whether to eat me or the dog! I drew my .40 and shot 3x, hitting the cat twice. Well, the cat just got madder! After sizing up Spot, Danny and me, he decided that I was the easiest target and leaped out of the tree straight at me!


    Now, I will tell you right now that there are few things more terrifying than an injured lion flying through the air straight at you! I will have that image burned into my brain until the day I die!!


    Well, as that cat was flying at me, I calmly considered putting 3 more rounds in it mid-air, or maybe bypass the pistol and just punch it right in the face with a sweet upper cut. Wouldn't that have been sweet!?! Well, with the cat half-way to me, I came to my senses and quickly hid behind a tree, hoping the cat wouldn't follow suit.


    So the chase is on again, and good ol' Spot puts the heat on him, getting him to tree a third time! As we watched him, he started to lose his balance and ultimately fell 25 ft to the forest floor. We thought for sure the cat was done, but even with 2 bullets in him, and a 25 foot fall, there was plenty of fight still in that cat! That cat got Spot pretty good twice, a bite on his muzzle, and on his chest, before I could get close enough to finish him with 2 more rounds.


    Congrats go to Danny and Spot for being a deadly team, and I appreciate so much the opportunity to have gone with them! All told, it took Spot 13 minutes to tree the cat from the time we left the truck, and it was all over in 22 minutes! Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good, but in Spot's case he's got both!! Thanks again, Danny!







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  3. I headed up to SW Colorado to help a friend on a 3rd Season Mule Deer Hunt in the area north of Durango. We saw an amazing amount of animals, and with fresh fallen snow, the tracks of many others: 14 different bear tracks, and 4 mountain lion tracks, along with countless deer and elk. The fresh snow also provided for some pristine panoramas. (This is my first time trying to use Photobucket. Wish me luck!)






    We headed early Saturday morning to prime hunting ground, and on the way came across this 25"-ish 4x. My buddy passed, having set his sights on some bigger deer.




    After seeing a few more deer on the way up, we glassed the mountain side, finding a strong contingency of does and a few bucks, along with this 300+ lb. milk chocolate sow and her cinnamon cub(in the bushes to the left of the mother.) That cub was a playful one: rolling around, jumping on its mom, and otherwise causing a ruckus.




    We saw multiple bucks in the 160" class, and some in the 180" class that we couldn't quite get on before dark. We did, however pass this guy on our drive. Unfortunately, this buck had just passed onto private land, safe for one more year!




    Well, we had a blast combing those hills together. I had to head home to work, and he is stil p there working on bagging his dream buck.


    On my way home to AZ, I did pull some cameras off the hills, with some good pics of bucks and bulls, this bull definitely being the highlight. Any guesses on his score? We'll see who gets closest when him and I meet up next year!





    It was a happy ride home!

  4. I have never had more fun than backpacking just after, or during!, a good snowstorm. This last New Years was a pretty nice snowfall that I hiked through he middle of on the archery hunt. Glassed up some nice deer I probably wouldn't have seen had it not been for fresh snow. Makes it easier to measure deer activity as well. Where they are, when they are moving, where they are going... You guys should have a blast!

  5. I think the guy is a total loon and a buffoon.

    A lot of people said that same thing about Galileo, Socrates, and the most recent Nobel Peace Prize winner. Here's a cool article on it. Click here.


    I'm sick of talking heads, and that's what we have in office, and in Rick Perry. I have the most in common ideologically with Ron Paul; I agree though that he is too smart for the general public.


    If he can close the gap on the front runners, I will vote for him, though I would rather make sure Perry doesn't get into office. I think Mitt Romney has the skills to beat Perry and Obama, and the smarts to get the economy back on track.

  6. I can appreciate both versions of the story. Too bad about the bull. I appreciate Craig and his guide's style. Hunters everywhere, camps and trucks parked on every turn seems like, and nobody knows Craig is putting the stalk on a monster bull!! Not enough credit is given to the true silent hunter, and too much visibility is given to road hunters.

  7. There may be a camera on it already... ;)


    I was thinking the same thing...pretty sure the seep is already on the bed rock and there is a pretty good place to build a dam...looks like it stays pretty shaded...is there anyway to "tap it" to control the water flow? Either that or I thought about chipping a channel in the face of the rocks...


    You are right to consider options to concentrate the flow. It is always difficult to do, but the more you can concentrate the flow, maximizing water in and minimizing water lost(seepage, runoff, evaporation, etc.), the more reliable the water source will be. How to do that is always site specific. You just have to get creative sometimes.
