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Posts posted by AZ RANGER

  1. I hate to get rid of my baby but I just don't use it much anymore. Asking $4500 obo will trade up or down for ???


    Looking for smaller vehicle, would consider anything with 4 cyl. maybe 6 cyl. Would prefer a small 4x4 nissan or toyota truck, but I would consider a car too.


    If cash deal is made through this site I will give $100 to CWT.com


    Can give full details but the basics are:

    TBI 350, SM465 Manual Trannsmission, NP 208 SYE, Dana 44 front, 14 bolt rear, Custom rear driveshaft, and crossover steering.

    Runs Good, No Mechanical issues. Some minor leaks but nothing you would not expect for a 22 year old vehicle.







  2. I decided to take my oldest boy out for a hike with me this afternnon. I planned to set some trail cameras in a new area that I had mapped out on the GPS. After the mile plus hike in we find that the area did did not have a lot of sign. Luckily I also brought a fishing pole becuase I new there was a creek nearby, so we decided to head over and try and catch some fish.


    Ended up having a great time and made some good memories.


    Hunter trying on Dad's backpack, He only carried it about 5 steps and I carried it the other 3 miles.





    Caught some trout.






  3. I did that same trip in a raft with a group of reporters and Sierra Club members during high water and again in 4x4s with a Jeep club during the dry season many years ago when there was a controversy over whether to declare the Gila Box a designated wilderness and ban motorized travel through the Box.


    On the Sierra Club "show me" trip, a helicopter landed at our camp with John and Cindy McCain aboard. They spent the ngiht, listening to the Sierra Club proposals, then flew off the next day. No dignitaries showed up for the Jeep club trip.


    The columns I wrote for the Tucson Citizen said there should be no conflict between motorized travel and rafting. When there's water, it's a great place to raft. The rest of the year, the dry riverbed is a great place for off-road travel.


    I lost track of what happened after that. Did McCain "protect" the box and ban motorized travel down the dry riverbed?


    Bill Quimby


    Yes motorized travel has been banned for about 13 years maybe more. In high school I made a lot of trips up the river in 4x4's and I do miss being able to do that, but I have to admit I enjoy the trip more now knowing that I will not run into any vehicles once I get into the box. There are definitely times of the year such as now where water levels accomodate both types of travel.

  4. Looks to be a fun river trip through a nice canyon. What kind of flows do you like to have? Any nasty rapids along the way?


    The Flow on the San Francisco was about 50 cfs which is not ideal, we had to get out and drag our boats in several spots. The flow in the Gila was about 70 cfs which is about perfect for a slow float and makes for good fishing. With these flows there is not too many rapids to contend with.

    Sometimes we will go earlier in the year when the flow is much higher. This is fun too because the only time you need to paddle is just to keep your self going in the right direction. Fishing is not as good though, and you can usually count on flipping your boat a couple of times in the rapids.

  5. WOW looks like fun, I always wanted to make that trip! I make my annual trip down to Eagle creek but never have done the float. I would love to try it out. Did you fish for any smallmouth bass?


    This time we did not fish for smallmouth, but in the past I have hiked up eagle and fished for them. Smallmouth fishing is another one of my passions, but it is usually better a little further up stream.

  6. We did our annual 3 day trip down the Gila River through the Gila Box this week


    We start in the Clifton on the San Francisco river. We put in at about 0930



    Here is where the Frisco flows into the Gila



    Typical views



    One of the many swimming holes



    This is where we stopped to camp on the first night after a long day.







    Young Ram



    We caught some small fish


    And some bigger fish



    My bed and camp on the second night



    Loading up the boats for the third and final day on the river




    The wall in the Gila Box



    This is where Bonita Creek flows into the Gila



    This trip is something I always look forward to. Very remote country, amazing scenery, good fishing, and just a good way to recharge my batteries.
