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Posts posted by AZ RANGER

  1. Sometimes giving a ticket can be a lot more effective than a warning. In your case I am sure you would have taken the warning as an educational expierience and fixed the problem. But if you only got a warning you would not have made this post. And i am sure you have shared this story with others in your circle of friends and family, effectivly getting the word out that if you are in violation you will be penalized.

    Think of all the people you have shared this with because you got a ticket, of those I am sure some of them will now think twice before riding an unlicensed quad etc. while out on improved roads.


    If the officer was unprofessional you should file a complaint, not because he gave you a ticket but because of his conduct and attitude.


    Good luck


    If you request it they will send you a copy of his app. I screwed up my wifes one year and absulutley denied I made a mistake even when they toldmy wife on the phone. They sent me a copy and I transposed the wrong numbers. My wife was not very happy about her cow tag.



  3. Terry,

    Your two examples show why it is a good idea to make photocopies of the applications and checks before mailing them in to G&F


    I have started doing this, but wonder what good it would actually do, becuase what's to stop a person from filling out a new one and making a copy of it and saying it's a copy of the original.


    My Dad got drawn this year for muzzleloader in 16a, He did not put in for that hunt, infact he does not even own a muzzleloader, and knows absolutley nothing about that unit. He burned 9 bonus points on a hunt he did not want and he is at the age where he may not be able to hunt by the time he gets another 9 points. He called and talked to G&F today and the lady pulled up his application she said he put it as his second choice. But do they have an actual copy of his app or a copy of the hunt numbers they entered into the computer. Do they scan a copy of everyones app into the database? I doubt it, so it seems like there is a lot of room for human error.


    I guess it's time to start scouting 16a, and afterall it's only like a 14-16 hour round trip from my house.

  4. Jan. 08 began with this archery Javelina. This was my first time putting in for a pig tag, I did not know what I was missing. Chasing these critter is a blast.

    I forgot the camera in the field so this is the best picture I got.




    Then later in Jan an archery coati



    I had a couple close calls on nice coues deer in Jan. but never closed the deal.


    Spent countless days in the spring and summer scouting and waiting for archery deer to open again.





    The deer and elk draw go by granting me a bull elk tag :o but no deer tag.


    Opening morning of the Aug. archery deer season I shoot and miss a small coues. Three days later I connect on a buck, but made a poor choice on the shot and end up with a gut shot deer. I locate him again, but I was never able to get another shot at him.





    Archery elk finally arrives. I get to camp 4 days early(I was a little excited). I was basically learnig as I went on this hunt. On Day 4 I am starting to figure it out, and after passing on two smaller bulls I pull the trigger on a nice one, but I miss. Day 6 I am at full draw again but never get a clear shot. Day 9 I find the bull of my dreams and shoot over his back at 60 yards. (did not have time to range him). Day 11 I finally connect. He is a smaller 6x6 satelite bull, but day 11 ranks as one of the best days of my life. (after wedding day and kids etc.)






    I did not get my archery deer for 08, but it was not from a lack of effort. I think it will come together for 09.












  5. That's outstanding Jerry. Congrats. It is really cool that your girls were there. I bet they will never forget it. I am sure you won't either.

    How long did you wait for the deer to come in? I want to take my 5 year old into the blind with me but not sure he has the patience.



    Well done

