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Everything posted by Jessedr

  1. Jessedr

    6A south whitetail

    Was up on cedar flats yesterday took FR.9236n to 9241v at indian flat saw a wt buck and a smaller wt with him and they were on the go. went on over to buck horn tank #1 on the way saw one prong horn. Coming back around on 9236m saw a wt doe watch her for a little bit. She kept looking back over in to the brush, could of been a fawn or a buck back in there came out on 214. by the way 214 is a 4x4 road as are the others but rougher. On the way back down had three cow and one bull Elk run across the road in front of us at bald hill tank #2. did not see any mules this time.
  2. Welcome Ron and GOOD LUCK ON YOUR HUNT.
  3. Jessedr

    Camp Navjo Access

    Use to be a security officer at the depot. The roads are rough and I know we had a check in time and hunters were told what areas were open and which were closed as the depot is not a free zone. They had one way in and one way out. Once in the hunt area you had a good area to cover but as stated the roads are rough. They don't want it smooth as it is a training area for guard and reserves. Good luck on your hunt and there is some nice bucks in that area.
  4. Jessedr

    Stacking em up like cord wood!

    That's a nice buck. Two of my neighbor's sons just got back today from Utah on a black powder hunt. They each got their deer too. One got a 4x4 and I don't know what the other was. Heck you all might have been in the same area.
  5. Jessedr

    Seeing Deer but confused...?

    When I go in to a area I go to map Quest. and print out a map of the area. It don't show what roads are closed or give the FOREST ROAD#. But it helps till I can get a State land and Forest Map. Of that area.
  6. Jessedr

    Driving at Prime Time

    Couesaz: As rockslayer said right on.
  7. Squaw peak looking towards Verde Valley and Pine Mt. This will give you an idea of the country if you hunt up here. The last three were of the north side of Pine MT.
  8. This is the area from FR.730 to FR.68D and over to Dugas RD.
  9. Jessedr

    Info on 6A Mule Deer

    I see deer when we go driving up to Bull pen and cedar flats. Seen a nice 4x4 last week up by the v-v ranch on the way to beaver creek. Thous I have seen going in to bull pen have been in the morning and evening by the water shad. The biggest one was a 3x2. but that was in the first part of march. Up on the flats I have glassed bucks and does down by the stock tanks in the canyons and along the bluffs. I have see some deer on the flats, but mostly Elk. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR HUNT.
  10. Could not get the PICTURES to post. The wife said she'll do it when she get's back from town. Well at least that lets her know I'm still BOSS OF MY HOUSE and I HAVE HER OKAY TO SAY IT TOO. HEE HEE. Take care Pard. Jesse
  11. Michael: The wife and I are headed over to Dugas today just to get out . The road to Dugas is good. I'll get some pictures of the road for you and the pine area for you. Jessedr.
  12. Jessedr

    Hello From Bear Mountain

    I just talk to you on the phone and you were very help full. Some how I Kick my other post off. I will be putting a order in and thanks for your help.
  13. Jessedr

    Arizona Outfitter Missing

    Thanks for the up date. Glad to hear he's on his way home. THE GREAT SPIRIT RIDE WITH YOU ALL.
  14. What Crittergetter says about the road to pine Mt. is right on. The wife and I was up there last month and it was a slow go, going in and out. also popped a tire coming out. When I go in to that area I carry three SPARE'S. Also as Crittergetter says there ain't a lot of folk in that area. Jessedr.
  15. Jessedr

    Arizona Outfitter Missing

    OUR PRAYERS go out to Larry, and hope they find him okay.
  16. Michael1: My wife and I went up to squaw peak yesterday and I glassed the area didn't see any deer but the stock tanks we stop at had fresh sign around them. I don't know if they were mule are white but their in there. Also killed a BLACK RATTLER. You know the other white meat. HEE HEE. Like I said the country is steep in the squaw and pine Mt. areas. The wife took some pictures of the area and as soon as I can get her to put them in my picture folder I'll post them so you can get a Idea what the county's like in them areas. Elkaholic's right about the river side too. I don't raft the river as it has to many low areas. But there is deer in them areas he told you about. 21's a big area but I'll keep you up dated on what we see in our area up here. Take care. Jesse.
  17. Jessedr

    First hunt(s)

    Grew up in PRESCOTT AZ. Hunted 17A, 17B, 18B, 19A, 19B. and 21. That was be for the draw started. Sense the draw I have hunted 17A, 19A and B.
  18. Michael1: I live in Camp Verde and go up to pine Mt. a lot just to see what I can, and YES there is WHITETAIL in that area. Down south by Camp Creek has some nice ones in there. Their in 21 you just got to get out and walk glass and sit. There's feed water and some d---- steep country. But there is DEER. Most of the ranchers in that area are good folk. Treat them right they'll treat you right. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR HUNT AND THE SPIRIT RIDE WITH YOU.
  19. Jessedr

    New unit(30B) need help!

    Thanks for the info on the camping. GOOD LUCK TO ALL.
  20. Jessedr


    Have a friend in Prescott who hunts 32 when he gets drawn. He didn't get drawn last year but when he does he gets his deer. He said its a hard area to hunt but you can get a deer. You have to be willing to clime Mt. and be willing to camp out. He said there is deer in the 32 area but He did not tell me what part is the best area as he got 32 again this year. I know his Dad has a place north of Benson. Sorry I can't help you better. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR HUNT.
  21. Jessedr

    camping fun

    I live in Camp Verde and the wife and I go up to cedar flats in the 6A area just to see the elk. If we don't see them we"ll hear them. Got too love the sound. By the way JUST ONE TROUT ? LOL.
  22. Jessedr

    Burro Mountain Mule deer

    Be good in the PAN!!
  23. Jessedr

    New unit(30B) need help!

    I'm new here and I also have a tag for 30B Nov. 6-12. Can anyone tell me how the camping is in the Dragoon Mt. area? I've Never hunted the southern part of the state so I'm looking forward too the hunt. Good luck to all who get to hunt.