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Everything posted by archerman

  1. archerman

    My daughters last day buck

    Holy Smokes....that is a STUD buck! Congrats to the huntress.
  2. archerman

    100"+ DEADHEAD

    Holy Smokes!
  3. archerman

    Colleen and Erika's Coues Bucks

    Great job Ladies!
  4. archerman

    Early December buck 2013

    OUTSTANDING! What a cool buck!
  5. archerman

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    That is a freakin MONSTER!
  6. archerman

    What to do... what to do

    Best philosophy I ever heard...."if you would shoot it on the last day, shoot it on the first day". Just sayin, there have been so many times when I didn't see more than 1 buck on a hunt if any at all. My daughter and I both shot spike bucks and were done by the 4th day this year. Talk about GREAT meat! And we still had a fantastic hunt and had never both tagged on the same hunt before. Now.....with a December rifle tag? And still having half days the rest of the month? Hmmmmmmm.....tough choice my friend.
  7. archerman

    unit 21 fatboy

    Nicely done!
  8. archerman


    I'll take the spotter.
  9. archerman

    Desert Bighorn Tag

  10. archerman

    Awesome Encounter

    Very cool!
  11. Coues......I am considering putting me, my 13 Yr. old daughter (aka Annie Oakley), and 2 new hunters I am introducing to the sport in for this hunt. Seems to have a good amount of deer there from what I have read on the AZG&F site. It would of course be a new unit for me. I really want to let her see that in some places, you can see bucks every day.....not just on the last day of a week long hunt! With that said...has anyone hunted this unit in Oct. and how did you like it? Is it oaks/grassy or just straight up Sonoran Desert? Did you see plenty of deer? Very important...how is the access? And most important....any issue with where it's located? I am very careful and very watchful and can to a decent job of taking care of myself and my daughter, just curious if there are any specifics I should worry about/look for? I very much appreciate any info.
  12. archerman

    36C Oct. Questions

    OK.......sounds good. Thanks all for the heads up. I certainly want to keep my daughter interested and get the two newbies hooked for life.
  13. archerman

    brand new vortex nomad spotting scope

    $300 brand new on Amazon.com...................just sayin........
  14. We hunted 6 days without seeing a Coues buck. Saw many Mulies…….. Does, Fawns and Bucks, quite a few Coues does/fawns, some Javelina (couple huge ones), birds, reptiles and all sorts of wildlife….just not the one item we needed…..the elusive Coues buck! That is….until the last day. This decent buck was taken by my 12 year old daughter Ashlynn (code named “Little Annie Oakley”) at about 12:30 PM. She put the smack down on him just after I missed a shot @ 70 yards on a fork horn! Couldn’t believe it……I seriously choked as my gun had some mechanical issues and I COMPLETELY panicked! LOL. I think my new code name is “BROADSIDE” as I can’t hit the broadside of a barn! The deer now see me and think “don’t worry about him….he’ll miss” My little girl worked her rear off for a whole week and sealed the deal when it counted. I am so proud of her choices she makes while we are hunting. She has a love for the wildlife we hunt and is a seriously ethical huntress! I am so proud.
  15. archerman


    PULL!!!!!!!!!! BOOM!!!!
  16. archerman

    Jeff Gordon Test Drive

    That is tears down the face funny!
  17. archerman

    January Buck, Done for the Year

    Very nice buck! 12 miles w/93 lb pack...............man, your a frickin warhorse!
  18. archerman

    Guns and ammo for sale

    PM sent
  19. archerman

    Good gun ban perspective - video

    Fantastic! That girl has a good head on her shoulders! She was smart enough to actually do research instead of just listening to the media for her opinion!
  20. archerman

    A gift from "Daddyclaus"

    Awesome buck!
  21. archerman

    Late Season Rally

    Oh my! Those are toads! Congrats!