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Posts posted by REDFIELD11

  1. Does anyone have a lot of experience backpacking in border units in areas with a lot of illegal traffic? What are your experiences? Did you have many/ any encounters with illegals? My gut feeling is it would not be wise, but wanting to get in deep into some areas that I believe hold higher numbers of deer and that possible monster. Anybody have good experiences? Bad? Advice? Thanks for the input.

  2. So I have a .22-250 with scope that I would like to paint camo colors for predator calling. The barrel and scope are stainless and the stock is a lighter brown. I have seen the tapes and shrink wraps and I am not that impressed. Has anyone had any success with the tapes and wraps, as far as looking clean and still functioning well around the working parts? Anyone out there ever painted their own rifle and had good results? What kind of paint should I use, and where do I get it? Different paint for the stock, barrel, scope?? Should I just take it to the pros? If so who are they and where do they work? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

  3. James,

    That makes sense. Before I would either hear them howl in groups while I was out and would just howl back. Hardly ever would I get a reply. In some of the Primos videos Randy Anderson made it seem like he would just blow a bunch of howls and they would come runnin. The only response I ever got was a challenge howl, and we went back and forth for about 5 mins before he took off, never giving me a shot. I guess knowing when to use what type of howl (time of year), not over calling, and having some strategy beats just blowing on every call you got. (I hear alot the more sounds you can throw at them the better; but also there are those who tell me to use strictly distress). I just figured adding howling to the arsenal could only make your chances of success go up, however seemed like I was doing a lot of howling and not much shooting. Thanks for the info and I look forward to the challenge of using the right howls in combo with other calls.

  4. Has anyone had much success howling for yotes? I am new to predator calling, but have called in a few yotes and fox with the primos calls. I have heard some people prefer to start their stand with howling before they go into distress calls. I have had some come in but pull up, sit down and bark, never to come in very close. I like the challenge of using hand calls vs. electronic. I usually go solo as well, looking for any advice on howling or any other preferred hand calls and tactics on calling alone. Any advice would be much appreciated for the new guy. Thanks.

  5. Looking for advice on breed of dog to use on quail. I hunt mostly gambels and have heard some breeds are better than others for gambels. I have never trained a bird dog myself but look forward to the challenge. Like the GSP's for their endurance and low grooming maintenance, but hear they can be difficult to train. Everyone seems to swear by different breeds. Any advice would be appreciated from those with experience. Thx.
