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Posts posted by Zackman

  1. coues1-1.jpg


    Just returned a couple days ago from a 101-hour trip to Southern Arizona. Thirty hours of it was spent on the highway from Northern California and back, one day spent scouting and one day in a blind.

    This was the end to an excellent year for me and I have to thank everyone that helped me this season. I have 240" of Columbian blacktail antlers in my house and this 86"+ Coues' deer to show for this season's efforts.

    Best year ever! If you would like to see more pics or read about more details, check out the link.




    Happy hunting everyone for 2012!



  2. Little bitty goose is a great release. I used it for many year, just like several guys above. However, this year I switched to using Spot-hogg's friday night. I have used it each year for tournaments during the spring and each year I switch back to a trigger-style release. I have always shot better with the t-handle, so this year I didn't switch and have liked my decision.


    The actual release style matters less than your technique.

  3. Roy, you know what else is bothersome? Alot of people including Mr. Buck think that the Kaibab has too many deer. I just spoke to a guy that did his thesis on the Kaibab and he said the concern is if we have a really bad winter then the die off will be huge. I guess I dont see that happening up there. I see tons of available forage and wintering area and think the carrying capacity is much larger/bigger than what we have up there. I think we have over harvested the does up there for years. Anyway, what do I know..............Allen.............



    You're right Allen. What so contradictory is the fact that Mr. Buck recently said at a meeting that the body fat taken from wintering Kaibab deer was the highest it's ever been on record. Yet, they say the winter range is in bad shape??? He was asked how that was possible......he had no real answer. I'm beginning to think that if they ever made the common mosquito a big game animal, its numbers would be at an all-time low in ten years. :)


    That's very sad because it might be true. But very funny :)
