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Posts posted by jwdodge01

  1. Congrats on the pig! My friend had a similar situation a few years ago the pig ran into thick brush and would charge when he got close. he had to climb a tree put all of his arrows in the pig, hit it in the head with a big rock and then finally beat it to death with a log :lol:

  2. Hey man it was fun. Sorry for the shakey filming I was a little excited once they popped back out. Tim's misses were supposed to be a secret :lol:


    talk to you later


    OOOPs i forgot :lol:.! hey man i don't care if it is shakey or not it is still awesome its not like you were getting paid to film it. and we will get better the more we film hunts. Im just glad i didn't have to film and shoot at the same time cause it would have been way worse.

  3. Well thursday found me at a spot where we had seen pigs earlier in the season. After about an hour of glassing all i turned up were deer(no shooters). John showed up and told me that Tim had some pigs spotted but forgot his bow at home, and wanted us to sit on them while he went to get it! I packed my gear and in a few minutes we were headed down the road to the spot were he had seen them. After about ten minutes of glassing i spotted them! We sat on them four about an hour and still no Tim! The pigs were feeding down towards a little draw with thick brush in the bottom, and i knew if they got in it I was going to have to take one. After an hour and a half Tim shows up and catches up with us. We stalk in to 23 yards and couldn't see the pigs. The pigs step out into a little clearing at 27 yards and i rush the first shot. Bounced one of the back of one of the pigs! Tim draws at 36 yards and shoots miss then another miss. By this time im at full draw for a while waiting for a clear shot on another pig but couldn't hold back any more so I shot the pig he was missing cause the other one was just standing behind a tree not moving an inch. I wacked him at 40 yards! The other pig steps out and Tim flings three more arrows coming very close but not connecting. The pig runs off but not far. I start woofing and the pig starts heading back to us but Tim is out of arrows! He goes across the draw and finds an arrow but the blades were gone on the broadhead! Luckily Tim finds my arrow that i shot my pig with, takes the broadhead off and puts it on his arrow. Mean while the pig is circling back on the ridge above us! Tim makes the stalk and seals the deal! FINALLY!!! The best part is John got it all on film from across the canyon!


    I want to say thank you to John for filming it and guiding us in on the stalk and for not bringing his bow and Tim for finding them and letting me get a chance to take my third pig with my bow!


    The video is kinda shakey and it is my first time messing around with editting so i hope ya'll like it.,


  4. I don't care what other people say if you are comfortable shooting that far well you just have an advantage over the rest! Congrats on your first kill! and good luck in the white tanks i know there alot of deer there but also alot of hunters as well.

  5. congratulations on your first buck i killed an eleven pointer for my first deer too! My second was a 165" muley with my bow. You have plenty of time to get a big one but i hope it happens for you sooner then later. thank you for sharing your story and picture i hope to see more of your success post here in the future.
