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Posts posted by coues..crazy

  1. one drawback, other than it ain't a model 70, from what i've seen they aren't twisted quite quick enough to shoot the real high bc bullets, like bergers, real accurate. my son has one and it is a shooter, but it won't stabilize real long bullets real well. shoots 130 gr sirrocos like a lazer tho. Lark.

    Good to know. If I do end up buying It I will have to try them. Any load info you would be willing to share would be great. Thanks again.

  2. one drawback, other than it ain't a model 70, from what i've seen they aren't twisted quite quick enough to shoot the real high bc bullets, like bergers, real accurate. my son has one and it is a shooter, but it won't stabilize real long bullets real well. shoots 130 gr sirrocos like a lazer tho. Lark.

    Thanks for the info.
