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480 stu-ffer

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Posts posted by 480 stu-ffer

  1. I envy you folks that are able to glass all these neat things , I never am able to see whats going on even though I am able to stumble along behind (mostly my kids and their kids nowdays) and listen as they look.

    I do amble around with a couple other old goats and get into a few situations on occasion .....

    like this fall when sleeping on a tarp, on my back with the tarp pulled up to about my waist and

    trying to sleep with one ear cocked listening for the goats which have a habit of getting into something....

    when on the opposite side from where the goats had been laying something woke me up.

    There in the moon light was a bear standing on my tarp looking down into my face.....

    that flash and the next .... where my nose almost hit his butt as I was rising up and he was

    leaving are still the most vivid. I feel sure he didn't realize I was there until he was on top

    of me .. the goats where right beside me...... I can tell you if you are a little slow things can

    be confusing when your more than half asleep. The next flash was into the tree he was standing beside trying to come to his own senses and he was off at about a 1 o'clock angle into the trees and then came back traveling a 5 o'clock o bleak back ....

    wherein a 5 D.O. Buck load out of a Mag Research BFR danced in his confused path turning him in a 11 o'clock direction.. I think he was headed in same direction he had been headed when he ran across us and was leaving, it might have gone easier on him if he would have picked on a little faster thinker something I've never been known for in normal times.

  2. LOVE to see these gals out there, my two grand daughters love to get out but have given up on the takin portion, the one took a couple of pigs but pushed the boys forward when it came to the first deer set up, her dad and uncle then got her in a 20yd set up of what they thought might have been a 350 plus bull and she turned to them and said get "Casey up here", 10 year old Casey didn't get that bull but he did manage a 378 bull within in the next few days. Just love to see those girls getting into it.

  3. Hi C P ,

    You might try contacting Mike at hunt4lifemike@gmail.com and tell him what you need posted at Clints Well, Mormon Lake and Forest Lakes as he comes in contact with a

    majority of the hunters at the field level there. You might also reach him at 480 788-3337... the main plant at Santan Valley .... 7am to 5pm , he's usually there at 6:30am and 5:30pm

    and might answer if you tell him your working with the department and will call him back in a minute ...over the answering machine.. 788 stu..3337 ffer you have to call him back the second time.

    • Like 1

  4. I was a rifle range instructor and A Butt NCO (target pulling & scoring area) in service ( if you are a jarhead you have to qualify every year up to Lt. Col. I can tell you when working the line day after day you'll get a few coments .. from the Lt's and Capt's. mainly) As a young grunt just trying to keep things moving, safe and compatable (attrition,attrition,attrition) I found there ain't much schooling for the later but should be the last concideration for a range master. There was one fellow killed by a bullet following the wire rim of a speaker that stuck up above the the butt, messing with firarms is a serious business.

  5. That's a bit of a problem here in Az because of the great road access... but it's really bad along the road systems in Alaska and the fishing there has the same problem but you can still fly out over and past the mess and when you get on the ground you don't hear road vechicles, just vechicles in the air which still tends to break the solitude.
