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Posts posted by naturegirl



    I'm sorry to say this, but who cares!!!!! I'm so tired of everyone getting so upset over some wild animals being killed or removed. If people are so upset maybe they should donate their time and money like hunters do to support wildlife. That's right, nobody cares as much about wildlife as hunters do!!!!!!

    That is the problem .. There have been groups for the last decade trying to get the bureaucrats to allow for the rounding up and adoption of wild mustangs.... always been met with resistance and mainly due to tribal relations... The population has gone up significantly while nothing has been being done. If there are people willing to wrangle, break and get these mustangs to Homes versus sending them to slaughter IMO it should be done...


    All I'm saying is I don't care if they remove the mustangs or not! I'm not going to get upset either way. If they stay great, if they caputre them for adoption or dispatch, it doesn't bother me either way. I still don't understand why so many people get so upset about something that does not matter or affect them.


    There are a lot worse things we can all concentrate our efforts on that can better our society!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Yes there are better things we can do with our time, but some of us happen to like the Salt River horses. I've been here since 1979 and they've been here that long. I think the Feds did not include them in the 1971 mapping that was done to protect all wild horses & burros at that time.


    Do they need managed? Yes, but I'm sure now with all the hoopla surrounding the roundup enough people will step forward to adopt them. I personally have spoken to two different people over the years who have taken one home as their own and said they were wonderful horses.


    Did you have extra undies?????

    It definitely made me alert when I went out today. I dont wanna do that again. My tough guy "18" year old said, why did you jump? You already had him pinned just cut his head off. He knows everything.. :)

    Yeah really you should've just continued on like nothing, pulled out your knife and sliced, built a fire by rubbing sticks together, and cooked it up. But your boy should show you how it's done first :)

    • Like 1

  3. I think funding for different areas has something to do with it.

    I also believe unit managers (G&F) have input. I know Ben in 37B worked tirelessly organizing the installation & volunteers over the years. I'm guessing he campaigned for funding of the tanks too.
    • Like 1

  4. Cool pics. What is your camera set up?

    I've got two now both Cannon. EOS Rebel T3 and EOS Rebel T5i. I will either have the 75-300mm or 100-400 mm lens on almost always since I like closeups.


    When you start getting into cameras better than this they are heavier and bulkier, and weight makes a difference since I carry one with me always when I'm outdoors.


    I'm learning the big lens now. It was kicking my butt because of the weight and I don't use a tripod. The better I get at controlling camera shake carries right over to my bow and shooting.

  5. Amanda who is a biologist & her husband Paul were kind enough to let me tag along on one of her endangered Mexican Spotted Owl Surveys (Thank you!!!). I will be the first to admit I stink at photographing anything with feathers, but the real joy came from the nesting pair being successful with this youngin. I was so caught up taking pictures trying to get it right when I look over at a birder named Matt who also tagged along on the trip and there he was standing with his mouth agape 100% mesmerized by what was taking place in front of him. I stopped clicking then so I too could really SEE the mother owl retrieve the mouse and take it to the baby. I feel very lucky to have been a part of this. This baby needs to fight to make it as the survival rate is very low for baby Mexican Spotted Owls.






    Monsoons are definitely present in Southern Arizona.



    A water bug closeup. I was actually to surprised to see what they look like up close.



    Paul pointed out this beautifully camouflaged Canyon Tree Frog.



    The dove is nesting above an alligator enclosure. Not the smartest idea.



    I believe this is a Sierran Tree Frog, but I've most often heard it called a Chorus Tree Frog.



    Yikes! He was calm for awhile, but then got grumpy.



    California King Snake on the water's edge.



    Adorable family of masked bandits in a palm tree outside a local golf course. They were young and tolerant of my picture taking :)



    Someday I will take an excellent elk picture, but for now I get to practice on the Salt River horses.



    Nice blue eye on this young one.




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  6. I'm not a fan of paying either and i do everything in my power not to pay by avoiding "improved areas."


    I will say if you visit say Illinois you will quickly realize we have a HUGE state with pretty much unlimited public access in most of it. This is because we have a ton of public land (and we know who oversees public land).


    Even if a toll booth is installed (which I don't agree with not knowing any of the details) I feel we are still blessed to be in AZ and have millions of acres of land at our disposal whenever we want it.


    I suck it up and pay when I have to but if I can find a way not to pay, that's the route I'll go.

    • Like 1

  7. Where abouts should someone look for these AZ berries? What kinds of areas do they like to grow in?


    I was just talking to a friend jokingly about trading elk meat for Michigan berries that he's picking now.


    Hmmm. I didn't know they are here for my picking. Yummy! When I'm back east, my problem is I eat them as fast as I pick them :)

  8. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/35520-my-hunt/


    As much as I'd like to edit it, I will not. The question was asked "How tough are elk?" My answer is TOUGH! My 2012 bull took my arrow and never even flinched....not even a twitch.


    I've come quite a ways in 3 years and a very long ways in the last 7 years since I had my eyes planted on a 10x9 MONSTER bull. Now I'm hunting soley for meat. That's a big turn around for me.


    I almost quit hunting altogether after losing that bull. I missed two spring tags in 2013 choosing to sit out and question why I hunt? I definitely found my answer. I love elk hunting!


    My 2015 goal is a shot under 20 yds but 30 is a chip shot :) I've lost 2 animals between 30-40 yards so I'm upping my game and getting closer.

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    Was I left off the list since I'm not a good "guy?"

    :) :) :)

    your guy as the rest of us, maybe more guy than some. Don't think the gender matters on the list lol. "Good people selling list" from now on. And we'll call them folks that put out our fires "fire people" too.

    That's funny :)


    I was reading the thread and did see my name mentioned so I threw out the possibility with a totally smiling face that it was gender related.
