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db cooper

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Posts posted by db cooper

  1. state law allows you to kill one per day in many areas. and there are places that it is entirely possible for a good houndman to do it. head to the strip. that place has about as many lions as it does cedar trees. i saw a trailcam photo that had 8 lions in one photo the other day. and what is wrong with us shooting every one we see? it ain't hurt the herd so far. even with what seems like a really big buncha folks seeing lions these days, even if they shot everyone it wouldn't hurt them sneaky suckers too much. you caught a really nice lion. come over here and catch some. Lark.



    I'd like to see that photo, what part of Africa was the trail am in? Jk

  2. Looked through the G&F regulations with regards to a round limit for handguns this past javelina HAM hunt....surely there is a limit as rifles have a limit....nope! No limit? Why? Anyone know the reasoning? I heard in the distance what sounded like an auto fire firearm during the HAM hunt and it was some yahoo in street cloth shooting at pig(s) running everywhere. Im sure it was the distance and the canyon that made it sound as if it was an auto fire but that shootout with the pigs didnt sound like careful aiming and trigger control! In the right hands most semiauto handguns can be deadly on the sink pigs or whitetails for that matter. I called in a pig to 10 yards and my friend shot with a 10mm in the lungs! In the wrong hands of the overzealous hunter(term used losely) they can wound an animal that may take days to die. I know, its up to the shooter to know their limits but one could make a case that the round limit for rifles (whatever the reasoning) sets a precedense and should be used to set a reasonable limit for handguns!


    Sorry, I have to call "BULLSHEEEET!" on this one. Who determines what a "reasonable limit" is and how does the amount of ammo in the magazine of a pistol determine the behavior of the shooter? The kind of person that will fire off a wild shot at any sort of game will do so regardless if they are packing a single shot T/C or a Bushmaster M4!

    • Like 1

  3. If you like to fish the salt lakes then try calling them. When the fishing gets tough then take a break and pull off anywhere and give it a try. Lots of coyotes near the lakes. Most people don't carry there calling equipment anf rifles while fishing. Bobcat country for sure but make sure it's still in season before you pull the trigger. Good luck. :)





    DB Cooper says +1!

  4. On the last day of the Women's Javelina Hunt, last week, we had a coyote run across in front of us with a medium size javelina in it's mouth. Looked like it had just been killed. 50 yrds down the road another coyote ran in front of us with a whole deer leg and then a fox ran in front of us. This all took place within 75yrds and about 1 minute.

    Tried to get the coyote to drop it so we could tag it but he had no plans on giving it up. :(




    Dang, You got a whole weekend's worth of action in a minute!

  5. My hunting partner and I found a whitetail buck in Texas and a mule deer doe on the North Kaibab that were both still alive after tangling a leg in the barbed wire fences they had tried to jump.


    We released the whitetail, but it was so exhausted it couldn't get up. When we returned an hour later it was dead where we'd left it.


    We ran two coyotes off the Kaibab doe when we drove up to a waterhole, and she still was bleating when we walked up to her. The coyotes had eaten on her rump and pulled out a section of her intestines. She died before we left.


    I also found the skeleton of a big bull elk that had been caught by a rear hoof in the top two strands of a fence on the White Mountain Apache Reservation near the Big Bonito years ago when AZGFD still managed its wildlife. The fence ran around the side of a very steep hill, and the elk had died stretched out with his rear leg five or six feet above his head. He may have starved to death there.


    Nature can be cruel by our standards.

    Bill Quimby


    You got that right! Give me a bullet in the head before a long agonizing starvation death, anyday, just make sure to try to get my foot out of the wire first!

  6. Also, during a storm, I saw a flash and sparks on a power pole near my house. When I went to investigate, I found a hawk with it's chest blown out and a quail clutched in it's talon. The smell of burned feathers rivals hair, anyday!

  7. Ok, we've all seen or read about deer found with their antlers locked together or the elk with his rack jammed in the tree, truly sucky ways to die! What else have you seen in AZ?


    I have two that come to mind.


    In Unit 21, there is a steep- alled smallish canyon with waterholes in the bottom from rain and snow runoff. A few years back, I peered over the edge and floating in one of those pools that is so clear it looks like it is only a foot deep but in reality is really 8-10 feet deep, was a mother coyote and 2 pups. It looked like they drowned trying to drink when the water was higher and there was not an exposed bank to escape to.


    Another time, I saw a rabbit impaled on a stick. As far as I could tell, it jumped to get away from something and landed in the wrong spot.



    Wait, one more comes to mind........I was fishing on the Salt river where everyone tubes and saw a guy try to cross the river in jeans,cowboy boots, and a coors light in hand. He never made it.



    Let's hear'em!

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  8. Awesome work! I love these OTC hunts and cant believe when I hear people talk bad about them. My first time going out on one of these hunts, I told my friend that since there weren't very many elk in the area, I was going to shoot the first cow I saw. Of course, 30 minutes into the hunt, I saw 3 cows running with a 5x5 bull and that plan went out the window! I held off from shooting several cows and never caught up with the bull, tag soup again! So much fun, especially if you dont mind walking. I love watching hunters(?) drive right by game in ATVs and never even seeing it.

  9. I am constantly amazed and infuriated by the numbers of jerks that I see driving ATVs cross country, right past signs saying "NO CROSS COUNTRY TRAVEL PERMITTED"! Do you losers want us all to lose access to our hunting areas? You guys looked healthy enough, sporting brand new camo a couple of sizes too small with the creases still in it just like when you bought it at Sportsman's Warehouse, I would guess you guys hit the gym 3 or 4 times a week, no excuse for not getting out and walking. Maybe those brand new boots you were wearing hadn't been broken, yet. Bad news guys, you have to actually walk in them so they get broken in. Sorry. Anyways, I hate you and hope you break down in the middle of nowhere with only the circling buzzards for shade. I guess my point is "Stop driving where you shouldn't or else!"


    Ok, enough of my stupid ranting. Happy Hunting!

  10. An old hunter moves into a cabin in the middle of no where. His nearest neighbor, an old trapper, lives 20 miles away. One day, the old hunter sees the old trapper coming up to his cabin. He asks "what's going on?" The old trapper says, " I'd like to invite you to a party at my place, next friday. There is going to be eating, drinking, a lot of screaming and then some fighting, and then a whole lot of wild sex. The hunter, having been alone too long, says great, I'll be there!" Who alls going?" The trapper says, " just you and I!"

  11. sorry for the pic quality. Here are some more details: Stock is solid but could be refinished. I was in a pinch a few years back and used linseed oil on it. Bore is good, no rust on barrel or receiver. Shoots solid. Really handy rifle. I live in Phoenix and will meet you half way for delivery. first $350 takes it.




