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Posts posted by BOWUNTR

  1. 26 minutes ago, ronk said:

    Same thing happened to me, the tag was in my wallet and the ink was all worn off. I called G&F to get the tag number, etc. and wrote it on with a felt pen. He said it has happened alot.

    I don't blame the IT guys for any of their computer issues... I blame their supervisor for allowing it to happen over, and over, and over... The supervisors supervisor should fire them all and outsourse to a reputable private company who does not accept failure. Ed F

  2. 2 hours ago, stanley said:

    Posting, printing, handling, etc. can be a BIG cost at scale, so yes, for sure there would be savings there.  

    My guess though, is that it is because of that, and simply AZGFD modernizing with the times.  The whole world is going 'electronic', so there's that....

    "Modernizing with the times". AZGFD is stuck in 1999. Anything involving a computer they haven't gotten it right. 

    I just helped a buddy put his tag on a nice coues yesterday. The printed ink on the tag was coming off on our hands... totally illegible. Yeah, they are saving money on ink now too... Ed F

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  3. On 12/22/2023 at 5:13 AM, Newbie2012 said:

    Since most of us are on our phones, both at home and in the field, they really need to optimize that page for mobile devices. Should be able to access the link and see everything pertaining to a specific unit without having to scroll left/right. 

    This would be asking way too much from the AZFGD IT department... it's 2024...  Ed F

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  4. 8 hours ago, AZcoues_addict said:

    Not sure this solves anything, but it results in less hunter opportunity.  The harvest is already limited, so it doesn't reduce take by much.  This just means less people in the woods, and less income for AZGFD due to reduced sales.  I've bought an archery tag and rifle tags for many years, but can only take 1 deer.  Meaning the rifle tag is trash and a donation if I harvest during archery.

    This system is to control the harvest... not opportunity. When a quota is met, the opportunity is gone in that unit. They are saying too much oportunity kills too many deer. IMO having two deer tags and hunting four seasons is way too much opportunity. Ed F

  5. Pick your weapon... if you buy an otc tag in January you don't get to apply in the draw. No more having 2 deer tags. Otc sales cut in half, reduced take. Problem solved. 

    Next step in saving deer... get rid of electronic communication during the pursuit/stalk. F&G is hypocritical when they preach Fair Chase then out of the other side of their mouth they allow this. 

    I'd bet if they changed these two things most of the quotas wouldn't be filled and we'd live happily ever after. Ed F

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