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echo co.

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Everything posted by echo co.

  1. echo co.

    Nikon Prostaff BDC Scope

    My nikon prostaff bdc on a 270win its very accurate w/bdc to 400yards it held zero since 09,I also have a vortex vpr on a 7mm its clear, holds& easy to zero, I'm also lookn to get a scope fr my little brother w/about same price range I'm lookn@ the nikon prostaff,buckmasters ,vortex,burris fullfieldII, bushell trophy doa600& the new redfield :)thers a lot of good scopes in tht price range w/life time warrenty ,its hard to decide
  2. echo co.

    Tranquilizer elk hunts

    Wow,I've never heard of that before do u know where?what state?
  3. echo co.

    My 2011 Archery Mule Deer

  4. echo co.

    1st Scouting Trip

    Couple days ago i went out w/little brother fr ride here on wmat on the back roads we went walking along a ridge I see my bro across a canyon about 80yds frm where I was,I was glassing &below him about 10yards away was 3nice bucks I'm guessing two would b around 95"&100" but the 3rd was a monster he had2b over 120" I called him over walkie talkie telling him2 look down 10yards the bucks whr lookn up at him &fr about 15mins he try2look4 thm but he never saw thm,then just gaveup &went on walking, that's why ther called the ghost, they can b yards away frm u watching u & u walk by them never know they whr there, yes very sneaky
  5. echo co.

    Giant Coues still alive

    Bighorns w.m.a.t. doesn't sell coues whitetail tags to non-members others tags they do such as bull elk,genelk,bear loin turkey javalina small game etc
  6. echo co.

    Coues Whitetail Lion Kill scores 144

    AWESOME a natural born killer victim here's a anothr huge victim halfway of this vid of pictures lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtube_gdata_player&v=GHkr_mKCB8c
  7. echo co.


    Train your dog2 find antlers my dog loves finding sheds &being out in woods this is his finds frm past 4saturdays not 2day&had a lot more sheds but sold em http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtube_gdata_player&v=eT957CgNi2I
  8. echo co.

    223 for Coues?

    checkout nosler parition or barnes tsx my bro uses 223 w/TSX bullets on couesdeer out to 300yd barnes tsx has 53gr,55gr,62gr,70gr fr rifle twist both are little expensive but well worth it if u gona go w/the 233 go w/a premium bullet.. http://www.natchezss.com/images/products/FAP223S.jpg
  9. echo co.

    Win a Rifle Railz/Loc Jaw Combination

    117 1/4. 118. 119 1/8
  10. echo co.

    180+ Coues Sheds --- You better sit down before you look!

    This pass hunting season 12-28 I think we saw him 90%its him or another monster like him he had 2 does w/him I was not hunting my hunt was over,my little brother was he try2 get a shot but he ran off fast its buck was huge he was all mucsle,antlers where crazy huge i came up over ridge at least 20yards frm him I try2 stop him by grunt call fr my bro but ths buck never look back he was around on the east side of the area where the sheds where found my little bro passed up over 20 nice bucks trying2 hunt him till got snow in but at the end he got a 108"buck
  11. echo co.

    new pic 80's Coues ridiculous
