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Posts posted by almost

  1. Settle down settle down, looking for some assistance in unit 1. If I feel your advice (as long as I kill) contributed to my successful hunt I will return the favor with a fair amount of meat. Going to scout as much as possible but being from Prescott its not going to be easy. Have only hunted close to home ie 8,10,6a etc so havnt got a clue about 1. Thanks for your input! Oh early archery bull hunt.

  2. Had a deal pending on the binos when I received your question which was " are the binos still available" Could not accurately answer it until I heard back from the first commitment. If you would have sent an "ill take it" They would have been yours.

  3. I'm not sure of origin or model #. I work away from home but will be back on Thurs and can let you all know then. If it helps at all I bought them from sportsmans last December on clearance for 599
