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hunt crazy in ca

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Posts posted by hunt crazy in ca

  1. I have a Win. 670 in 243.
    I put a aftermarket Pachmayr but pad on it as well as had a custom muzzle brake put on it (GS said he cerkoted the brake, apparently Hoppes 9 will eat it off). I did bed the rifle as well. Has a Bushnell Elite 3200 3-9 on it mounted in Leupold base/rings. I though it would work for my two little boys but i ended up just building them a 223. Now I need a shotgun for them...LOL!
    Really just want to trade for a O/U 410 shotgun.
    If I had to sell it. $500.00







  2. On 6/9/2022 at 2:27 PM, ForkHorn said:

    I'm not sure if you're supporting their data or my jab at them with that statement but you'd be correct either way because neither side can prove they're right and that seems like a problem.


    So if you're defending them - my jab still stands. 

    Wildlife management is hard because of the nature of having very few tools available to see the landscape of what's going on and they willingly choose to ignore the one they can get some of their best  and most accurate data from in favor of a survey with a pretty crappy confidence interval. IE they're guessing.

    They extrapolate harvest numbers based off of a survey that is not required and has no penalty for lying - with no minimum responses required (if there is a minimum, what happens if it isn't met?) 

    Not to mention are you more or less likely to fill out that survey if you killed?  They are probably trying to account for that with an algorithm but it is very unlikely to be based off of a recent study and much less likely to be from AZ.

    They then take these very imperfect numbers and make HUGE decisions based off of them.

    Guidelines are literally written where tag numbers change based off of harvest percentage and THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HARVEST IS.

    They will also claim from their Phoenix armchairs that they are very accurate but meanwhile they have no way of proving that. I have looked at harvest data that I knew was incorrect based off of personal knowledge. (I personally knew of more bucks shot on a hunt than they listed.

    Ask a wildlife manager the next time you meet one if they think the numbers are accurate. Especially after it forces them to raise tags because of guidelines - and they aren't seeing that make sense on the ground 


    Meanwhile much of the rest of the country has mandatory harvest reporting.   


    They way they currently do things is not the best. Shouldn't we demand that?

    Not a jab at you at all, more of a back hand comment on the whole situation..... or society right now really....

    Like Dustin above said, huge supporter of all fish and game agency's! However this hole thing is absolutely crazy to me. How do you implement or come to a conclusion on something like this with no REAL HARD DATA ????? Its mind boggling!!!!

    I feel like they really dropped the ball on this. They should have taken the following year and made it a %100 mandatory reporting! Report bye "x" time if not a $ penalty or draw penalty? Something! yes your still going to have those that "forget" to report or report false info.... these are the same guys killing in OTC archery and applying for deer tags at application period.....

    However I believe the majority of us as sportsman want to see our wildlife succeed! Have I filled out the voluntary questioner absolutely! Have I got my questioner out of the mail and set it to the side to do at a later time  and completely forgot about it.... absolutely!!! However if you are going to charge me $ or threaten my draw apps.... you can bet your butt I'm going to fill it out!

    I think AZGF should have implemented the mandatory reporting this year, maybe two? Collected data  and come back to us all and had a couple potential scenarios... "this is really bad, its worse then we thought and these are the changes we need to be doing now" or " wow, its no where NEAR as bad as we thought and what we are going to do is only make these changes for now" AT LEAST YOU HAVE REAL DATA!!!!!!  

    I don't know, all I do know is at the end of the day these are just my 2 pennies and like you all our 2 pennies fall on def ears anymore...



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  3. to the OP, I was in the same boat, I was a bowtech guy for 10 years, The PSE CA 34 changed all that this year. I currently have one sitting in my garage as we speak completely taken apart...I like to do things a lil different, I will be changing the color myself via-duracoat, I powder coat all my other bows but being Carbon powder coat is a no go, I have used duracoat on quite a few other things and the stuff is amazing, I will have to post some pics of it when it is done.

    With that said, ive never worried about "warranty" think i would of with Bowtech, LOL!

    PSE is making a amazing product and have been for years, im not to worried about using the "warranty". I know a few people within PSE and they have been nothing short of great to deal with.


    Good luck with whatever bow you decide to run with, this is a fun time of year for new bow shopping!

  4. really sad state of affairs here boys, Im from southern Cali... still am...for now, Grew up on a dairy farm till I was almost 13, Family moved to the High desert and luckily for me we had thousands of acres of open desert out the back door.

    With a family of my own now I hope to be out of here before my kids hit school!

    Crazy part is I will miss the hunting here....I can hunt every year here from august to the end of Dec. on OTC tags....FOR NOW...yes this state has gone to heck in a hand basket...sad really...one day I will call Az home!!!!
