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Everything posted by Critter

  1. I'm a little hung up on the zip-lock bag buck suffocation death... want to hear more about it! Incredible.
  2. Critter

    7 Year Old Finds Shed

    That's awesome. Nice deep fork on the badboy
  3. Critter

    Couple More Foxes

    That one on the right is nice.. Big and full of color. Nice work. Do you skin'm and get tanned?
  4. Critter

    How's about a "Let's Bash The AZG&FD" section ???

    Xnt I understand it is a privately held forum but it is very public in nature in terms of anyone can join and comment and basically say anything they want until they are censored or removed from the forum. It seemed you were implying folks do not have the right to say what they want on this forum.. when really they do have that right (It's the internet), but the owner also has the right to kick them off. I think we agree on this. Yes flatlander I understand the bill of rights but it's a little off topic in terms of what we are talking about here. It's pretty simple in my mind. Who cares if someone brings up G&F in a thread as long as it is relevant to the topic at hand. If it's not then don't follow the thread or view the forum if it bothers you. To try to censor someone because you do not agree with what they said is un-American. It's a discussion forum for goodness sake. If someone makes an uncalled for or untruthful statement about G&F you have every right to put them in their place on this forum as well... I'm not saying I don't like outdoorwriter's idea... A separate thread would be a good idea. But that doesn't mean G&F cannot or should not ever again be mentioned in any other thread either. I agree with and understand his intentions of having the G&F topics more organized in one spot... but not sure if that will prevent people from throwing jabs in other sections of the forum.
  5. Critter

    How's about a "Let's Bash The AZG&FD" section ???

    Xnt... not really with you here..... People Do have a "right".. to freedom of speech whenever and wherever. This forum is a little different than your "front yard, car or house".. This really isn't a private forum.. more so a public forum as there are thousands of members on here. You are correct in that the mods/owner can censor you or ban you (rifleclown ring a bell?) but so far as I have seen they have yet a reason to ban Azlance. So until he is banned he can say whatever he wants about G$F on this site. In fact, azlance has tons of great posts and positive comments on this forum. His criticism of g&f is a small percentage of his contributions on here and is usually spot on. I see NO problem with questioning G&F. Our money funds them and if shanannigans are occurring they need to be held accountable. Fair is fair.. they should be congratulated when they do well and held accountable when they screw up. And.. I see a lot of posts on CWT about G&F doing great things as well. they have many good officers but also a few bad eggs.
  6. Critter

    Staining Strip buck antlers after Losing Velvet

    Thanks prowlerman... Sneaker if you like what you see with mud Pm me or call me at 928-899-8711 and I can explain process I use. Imo stain ruins the look especially if they are hard white like this but each antler takes on stain different so you could try either way. Good luck
  7. Critter

    Staining Strip buck antlers after Losing Velvet

    Sneaker, Check out a post made by CouesRanger titled "antler recoloring" (I tried to paste in the link to it in this reply but not working... anyone know how to copy in the link?) Anyway, in that thread I posted a whole bunch of pics of before and after. Same situation... a buddy's velvet was stripped off two different bucks. I've been coloring antlers for a few years... probably colored around 100 or more but I don't use stain. I use Mud and tung oil. I may have details in that post if not Pm me or reply and I can give details. You'll have to search for couesrangers post unless someone can fill me in on how to post the link. I copy the link but when I click paste in the reply nothing happens.
  8. Critter

    Eberlestock X1A1

    Tucson John. I had tried to buy kramerhunts but was beat to it. How much are you asking? Your inbox is full as I tried to send you a PM. I just bought an X2 online yesterday but could cancel the order easy enough if the price was right on yours.. let me know what you are thinking or send me a Pm - thx.
  9. Critter

    Eberlestock X1A1

    PM Sent..
  10. Critter

    Duck Dynasty looses Phil Robertson

    So in other words.... they're hoping people will just forget about it all and continue watching as usual. My guess is that they let Phil back on for future episodes as usual... too costly for them otherwise. They had to appease the gays temporarily but the gays will get over it and they will then continue on as usual... pretend it didn't happen. But we won't forget the liberal leadership of A&E....how they caved in the name of political correctness.
  11. Critter

    .300 Win Mag on Javelina...

    Doesn't it kind of matter a bit how and where the bullet hits and exits? My first javelin I shot with a 30.06 and overall not that bad... there was a bit of a larger hole which let the blood drip down my neck faster than usual as I packed him out over my shoulder.. Lol. It was nasty. But I even shoulder mounted him and it sewed up just fine.
  12. Critter

    Duck Dynasty looses Phil Robertson

    Thunder... the page that got over a million likes in less than 24hrs posted the ratings results... I'm sure they researched it rather than guessing as they have quite a bit at stake and are obviously pretty serious about putting a dent in A&E. I don't know how all the ratings are calculated but apparently it already affected them. Not just that but all the DD garbage you see in walmart, dicks, and other stores... people are quitting buying all that stuff as well as A&E owns the DD brand. so I'm sure they are/will take a hit financially and with ratings. I didn't realize you have to be a Nielson household... I thought they had other ways to calculate ratings - my bad. At this point A&E needs to cave or the show is over based on the Robertson's family statement about the issue... just my guess anyway. I hope A&E takes a massive hit for being complete morons. Behind all of that though... and IMO, the gay community has been portrayed as super weak by the way they over-reacted to one mans beliefs. The fact that they immediately were up in arms and called for censorship of Phil just goes to show who they really are. How Un-American is that?? To call for silencing a man because he holds different beliefs than you. WTH... If you don't like what he said just don't ever watch his show again... pretty simple. I see stuff/hear stuff all the time I don't like or agree with but I wouldn't think of demanding they be removed from TV or Radio. Just goes to show what a bunch of drama queens they are... In addition, Mr. Robertson did not use any type of slur... he simply answered a question and stated his beliefs. If anyone has been discriminated against it is Phil for being fired/suspended from his job. It's obvious A&E leadership as well as the gay community are a bunch of panty waste, politically correct, liberal push-overs. There ya have it. Just my thoughts
  13. Critter

    free elk sheds/backpack/trap/frame all free

    I would've bought those sheds from you for good money.... let me know if they end up available. I buy antlers.
  14. Critter

    Duck Dynasty looses Phil Robertson

    I don't know American Thunder.... since the FB boycott started yesterday the official "boycott" fb page grew to 1.5 million likes/followers and still rapidly growing. In addition there was a DD marathon on last night and since the boycott number of viewers of the show dropped 6.364 million and ratings dropped 71.6 % for the show already. I didn't watch and further... I removed it from my Record list on direct tv so episodes won't record. Robertson's already stated they won't continue the show unless Phil is involved... so either A&E has to bend.. or the show is done. Personally I wish the robertsons would just ditch a&e... another network would pick them up no prob. Desert bull... the boycott is of both.. by boycotting A&E and not watching your affecting A&E and their sponsors as a&e's advertising revenue will dramatically decrease as those advertisers will go away or pay less for their "spot" if less viewers are tuning in.
  15. Critter

    Poaching a lion - updated with pics

    Also... few pics later you see him walking back to original spot with arrow in his right hand... the arrow he missed with then went and retrieved... no blood.
  16. Critter

    Poaching a lion - updated with pics

    Per Naturegirls cam pics At 8:56.48... you see the mother lion full sprint bolting from the water hole.... but no wounds or entrance/exit holes from an arrow in that pic. No blood or arrow sticking out, etc... A few min. and pics later you have a hunter walking by with bow casually. If you think about it... my guess on what likely happened is the archer shot and missed... he knew he missed and was looking for his arrow. Had he thought he hit the lion... he wouldn't be walking by without an arrow knocked and ready to put another one in it as it would be pretty dangerous to head towards a wounded lion without bow ready to fire off another arrow. Not arguing ethics/legality... just observations on what may have happened. On a side note... photofool... I completely disagree with you. These younger LIONS (not kittens) would absolutely survive without their mother. They're both larger than any bobcat out there. Not sure how you could say this.... these cats are pretty high up on the food chain and survive for a living... tell me which predator would take them out. They are pretty big.
  17. Critter

    Poaching a lion - updated with pics

    Few things... while yes there are some spots still on the legs... the accompanied lions are no longer kittens. Although they still may be with momma doesn't mean they can't fend for themselves in the wild... no doubt the ones in the pics could without a problem. I'm surprised they are still with the adult. Per the pic they are fairly large. Not trying to argue the legality of it... just saying it's not like they are little cubs and rely. I understand spotted kittens and family are not fair game. but realistically these cats would be fine without their mom at that age.
  18. Critter

    22N Archery Hunt

    Nice! way to go Tj
  19. Critter


    Nice. good red color in the one on the right.
  20. Critter

    Christmas Theme - 'tis the season!

    Hot diggity dang that's pretty cool..
  21. Critter

    coati questions

    My buddy saw one in the N. part of 6A a few months ago... he couldn't believe his eyes. Just S. of flag off the I17
  22. Critter


    even if you offered me a free Tv at walmart I wouldn't show up... on black Friday.
  23. Critter


    That is some of the best cinematography/video put together I've seen in a while - great job.
  24. Critter

    News on Leaving trailers

    Not so much that PRDTR... It's not really even about getting to a spot first for many of us. We all know there is a ton of public land to set up on. It's just that your big stupid redneck trailer and all your quads and trash sitting in the woods for several weeks on end off the main roads is super annoying. In some units it is literally one large abandoned camp after another for miles and miles on forest roads for several weeks before season and on into and after the hunts. If it is so easy to find a camp site as you say.... then why do you have to set up a month in advance?
  25. Critter

    North Korean Executions

    Curtis didn't say we should go bomb them for it...he just said take notice as it could happen here. But.. maybe we could send Rodman over there (one-way ticket of course) and him and the little man kim can bond and share hookers.