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Everything posted by GreeneMachine

  1. GreeneMachine

    The Humbling Buck - Part 2

    Lol! For those reading this post, Jimmy's my bro-in-law and we all had dec tags. Firstcoueswas80 helped them on their hunt, and the day after I sit in a wet bivy all night, I call jimmy and before I say a word, he says "I had the worst night last night, the wind was blowing against my warm, comfy trailer all night long" ....boo hoo you jack wagon! Lol.
  2. GreeneMachine

    need a little advice

    I had the same problem, most people will. I solved it by cutting up an old dark t shirt to make a large hankerchief and I put that over my head and lense and it enables me to keep both eyes open with glassing. It also keeps the sun off my face and neck while glassing.
  3. GreeneMachine

    The Humbling Buck

    Amanda - here's the only pic we have of the bivy camp...didn't want to get my camera too wet. The bivy sack was no bueno! Leaked all night. Put the tarp over it because we left a lot of our gear out in the storm and came back two days later to retrieve.
  4. GreeneMachine

    The Humbling Buck

    Very happy for you bro! Now let's get back to shooting big boys on opening day of leftover tags!!
  5. GreeneMachine

    300 wsm

    300WSM is definitely not too much for coues. I've taken three with mine and there has been minimal meat lost. I even use a 180gr bullet. Most important thing was all three dropped where they stood. Although I don't know him as "L Cazador", I believe the comment above was referring to work he did on my 300WSM. The Win760 load he came up with has produced an extremely consistent velocity. 64.6 grains of Win760, 180gr Nosler Accubond, Fed215 primers with FP cases. Averaging 2,985fps with a very small deviation. For what it's worth, I chose this rifle as my "all purpose" rifle. Although I can't it shoot worth a crap, not a single animal I've shot with it has taken a single step. From elk to javelina, I've had almost no issues with meat loss with my 300WSM using Accubonds.
  6. GreeneMachine

    Joeys first buck

    Casey/Jim - thanks for all the help that I heard you put in to make this happen for Joey. I am his uncle and I am super jealous that I was not able to help out on Joeys first. Usually it's a good thing when someone in the family draws a dec tag, but when four individuals draw dec tags and in different units, it's kinda a bummer that you can't share the hunt with each other. Anyways, I know Casey and Jim did not know Joey or Jimmy prior to all of this, and that's pretty awesome that you were willing to go all out for complete strangers...thanks again!!
  7. Congrats Jimmy and Joey! Proud of you studs.
  8. GreeneMachine

    Swaro's 15x56 for sale

    Pm sent
  9. GreeneMachine

    Swaro 15x56 FS Excellent Condition

    PM sent
  10. GreeneMachine

    Any guesses on size?

    Yep, he is wide. Pretty good eye guards too. I'd put him at 100" and wouldn't be surprised if it was a few inches more. Go get 'em!!
  11. GreeneMachine

    Big and Wide, Wifes 2012 Buck

    Congrats Holly. Way to make this hunting thing look easy! Good to know that if stuff hits the fan, there's at least one shooter in the Long family to put meat on the table! Incredible buck!!
  12. GreeneMachine

    Meet Mr. Wide

    Congrats mr Tyson. You da man.
  13. GreeneMachine

    Pigeon Problem

    Feed 'em rice. It'd probably end up killing any bird that eats it, but I know there's a resort in Tucson that regularly put rice out on their outside patios to get rid of the dove that would come through for the leftovers. Never tried it but theory seems to make sense!
  14. GreeneMachine

    Sportsmans Tucson

    Poor guy driving the white dodge thought he could quickly get in and out of SW without his wife knowing....and then you go and announce it to the world!! Way to go Jimmy! Haha.
  15. GreeneMachine

    sci world recoerd 561 whitetail

    That's just stupid. Not sure I would feel an ounce of pride if I took that deer. The old fella behind the deer should be posing with his pocket book instead of his rifle.
  16. GreeneMachine

    Couple of 100"ers

    I got a real quick video of a couple WT's this weekend. And after watching it a few times, was convinced we probably had one wt right at about 100"s (on the right facing uphill) and another one in the 85"-90" range. But then I put the video in super slow mo' and caught a glimpse of the "small" fella when turned to bolt... The "small" one has 5 plus brow tine on his left and at least 4 plus brow tine on his right. This guy appears older than the one facing away due to the size of the neck and head. I thought I had heard somewhere along the way that older bucks will often have shorter tines once they've past their prime....is that true? That would support this one being older. Pretty cool seeing those two guys running together!
  17. GreeneMachine

    Couple of 100"ers

    pics up above seemed hard to see...I think these are closer up
  18. GreeneMachine

    Mount Back from Wellers

    Looks awesome, but is it just me or is it missing a few whiskers on the right side? Jk, it looks great bro. Now you just have to hold out until you find a bigger one this year....guess I'll be shooting first!!
  19. GreeneMachine

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    This will be the first year I've had this annoying problem, but really hate when my hunting buddies get drawn for Dec. WT tags the same year I do. I'm lucky to have a few hunt buddies that I've shared some awesome experiences with. And this year I had it ALL FIGURED OUT! I'd get drawn for the Dec WT tag in 33, the other would get an October tag, and the other would get OTC bow and possibily a November rifle tag. Helping them out is like having 3 separate hunts for me. We all put in separate apps. I get drawn for Dec 33 WT. Then, I get the call from one buddy that he also got drawn for Dec. WT in 33 with only 5 points. Well at least I have the other buddy that can help out, afterall he only had 1 bonus point. Nope, he gets drawn for Dec WT also. Looks like we are all waiting until December now....Jackwagons!
  20. GreeneMachine


    Similar thing happened to me and a couple buds when we were young. Had three of those little guys hanging out in a tree and they were super chill...so we did what any kid would do, dared eachother to pick em up!
  21. GreeneMachine

    Luck of the draw?

    Maybe not exactly what your initial post indicated, but if everyone in a family starts young and plays the system, there are ways to get drawn on a more regular basis than the man next door. I'm sure this strategy is no secret, but if I apply unsuccessfully for 10 years and then finally get drawn, then I'm back down to 0 (or I guess 1 or 2 with the hunter ed and loyalty...don't recall if loyalty gets wiped when you draw??). Next year, I put in with my first born who still has 10 points, and now we have an average of 5 or 6 each. Sucks for the son but both of us have a good shot at good hunts. I went from being drawn last year, to having 6 points the next year. We get drawn again, and we both go back to 1 point. The following year, second son in lines turn, and heck, throw grandma in the mix too. You start adding wives and extended family members who don't hunt, then you're talking about keeping an average of 5 or 6 points on a pretty regular basis. Now I know you'd have to pay the $7.50 per BP each year for grandma and the wifey, but I'd gladly pay 10 years of BP's for grandma if that means I can piggyback off her after my points get wiped. And obviously you have to pay for the tag when the group gets drawn, but again, small price to pay to increase your chances (especially for a non-res like me who pays $225 for tag anyways).
  22. GreeneMachine

    Prairie Doggin'

    I have a new respect for all those that are able to edit and put videos together of their hunts. It sure seemed easy, but took me about a week to figure out. I had this video up on Youtube for about a week before they took it down. Let's see if Vimeo will keep it up for a while. Anyhow, this was our first time using the slow mo' camera setting. Brings a new element to prairie dog shooting when you have an instant slow motion replay available. If you don't understand/appreciate prairie dog shooting, you're not going to like this video...viewer discretion is advised! https://vimeo.com/45935118
  23. GreeneMachine

    Prairie Doggin'

    That's some funny stuff! Actually used to catch lizards that way when I was a kid. A buddy of mine told me about it and I never thought it'd be possible. But it sure does work!! Could just imagine yanking a PD right out of his hole when he peeks his head out....awesome!
  24. GreeneMachine

    Hunting with the aid of a Vehicle

    Yeah, that would never hold up in court. How would they be able to prove you actually spotted the animal from 5 miles back prior to jumping in your car to get closer? Beyond that, it doesn't even make sense. The situation you described could often lead to a more ethical and/or safer shot. If you can drive to a safer location to take or approach the shot, and you're not shooting from the car or road, then go for it. I don't think you have anything to worry about. It'd be some what amusing to have a warden try to pull that crap on me!
  25. GreeneMachine

    South of the Ditch bucks

    Good lord! I'd crap myself if I saw that palmated buck on the hoof.