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Everything posted by TLH

  1. TLH

    AES Banquet

    Wish i could but i do not have the funds this year. I am, however a Life Member and have been for many years! This is the only organization i am a member of right now but i may be on another organizations list soon.
  2. TLH

    Big Antelope Picture

    Yup i do....
  3. TLH

    Big Antelope Picture

    If he was in 5B i heard a 16 year old kid shot him Eli. He looks lot like the one i was seeing in there last year before the season started.
  4. Hey all. I am a part of this new group and i can tell you we will start doing all we can for region 4. We believe that there are a lot of things that can be done to help our desert deer and our Bighorn Sheep in all of the region 4 units. We would really like to have you in our group and if you have any questions about it you can email me personally and i will answer any questions you may have. We are still in the paperwork stage right now but we are getting with Pat Barber and Dave Conrad and Craig heath and finding ways to help them RIGHT NOW! I know Craig needs some repairs on his tanks and so does Dave Conrad. Did you know there was a program called "Adopt a Waterhole" that the game and fish has? I introduce this to them over 6 years ago and it is being used but not as much as it needs to be--this is something this group will use and use extensively! We will start with the easy wins and move to the not so easy ones as our group grows but we want as many of you as we can to get involved and help our desert deer herds and our Bighorns Sheep herds.
  5. This has been my point all along--Utah has moisture so why not have more critters? Also, Utah has a ton of Private Land that you must pay to get access to--there should be more deer because of the Private land. I was in Monticello a few years back and we hunted public land--after the first day you could'nt buy a deer on public land but take a look at the private and guess what? deer everywhere! they are not stupid they know where to go. Once again--how much money will it take to end this drought? Oh that's right--Mama nature can't be bought!
  6. TLH

    Our own faults

    Larry, You can bet i will be there. i will not mention 2072 but everything i will talk about will be aimed at them. It is easy for me to talk about the facts and shoot their facts to the ground. I can not believe these folks are still pushing this thing--do they really believe people will forget about this in a couple years? USO has never left my mind--even now that it is owned by another person it still leaves a taste in my mouth like it was yesterday--no i do not believe we will forget. See ya tomorrow!
  7. TLH

    2072 moving

    I need to look for the Heritage Fund bill--if it gets attached to one that will go through i would bet this one will be the one.
  8. TLH

    Our own faults

    I would like to make a few points: 1) The bill may get passed then what? Can you see what will happen next? can you see the cattle Growers grouping in mass and heading down to the Congress and asking for those Landowner Tags we all despise?? I can! 2) What will happen when this goes through and the Sierra Club says "hey, we need some love too--now give us some of those tags!" think it won't happen? think again. 3) History repeats itself--meaning? Do you think any army could have beaten the Native American's if the Native American's could have set aside their differences long enough to fight one battle? No way! This country would have been much different if they would have fought together but like us--they didn't and like them all of us hunters and fisherman will lose this battle if we don't get together and fight the fight. 4) The game and fish can not vote to keep trapping on public land we can but they really do not have enough in the department to beat the anti's and misinformed. Apathy is what AZSFW and the Anti's are hoping for--AZFW have now taken on the tactics of our enemies and they are hoping we are apathetic and not capable of joining hands and beating them just like we didn't do with the anti's and misinformed in the past. 5) And the question no one can answer--"HOW MUCH MONEY WILL IT TAKE TO END THIS DROUGHT?" it doesn't make any difference how much money any group can generate because if this drought continues there will be far less huntable numbers than we are seeing now. Utah has not had the problem in the drought as we in Arizona has and that is why they have done so well--it isn't because of the money it is because of the moisture--with out rain or snow we have no way of growing ground cover for our fawns and calves and with out that the predators will have a field day munching on baby's! So please tell me how the money generated with these tags will help our drought! Those are a few--i could go on and on but you understand where i am coming from.....
  9. Allen, I am a member of several state based organizations & 1 national. My problem with the State based stuff is typically the meetings are in the valley area & I don't have the time or money to drive down that often. It takes every spare dime & nickel to start a business in this economy, plus I have two young kids that I take out into the woods, coach their teams & other activites. So, I guess you can say I have excuses... I do like that the State based money all stays in AZ, unlike the National Organizations. At this point, I am very leery as to what conservation groups I will renew with, it's just my honest feelings. If I don't have the time to sit thru meetings & voice my own opinion, I don't want to be misrepresented on a personal or professional level. The bottom line is, if I am a paying member I want to be an active member, so I can make sure my personal opinions were expressed. I do get the emails & newletters from some of the groups & some guys have even reached out to me at one point in time. Honestly, I do feel out of the loop on a lot of this stuff, which is good & bad, but I am not sure it is going to get any better until my kids are grown. My FIRST priorty is my family & then the outdoors. Thanks! Craig, I don't care how much money anyone can raise if it doesn't rain more and snow more then it will not get better any time soon. How much money do we need to make it rain like it did before the drought? Sounds silly doesn't it? Well it may sound silly but not as silly as taking 350 tags away from all of us who apply each year and keep our fingers crossed then sale those tags (yes i know that approx. 300 of those tags will be raffle tags) to use it to have our very own Expo like Utah and Nevada has (we have two now) then pay for our lobbyist to fight for the rights of hunters like us--then take the remainder and use it on conservation--that sounds more silly to me than paying for rain because it doesn't do a dang thing to improve the issues we have due to the drought. The main reason we have issues with recruitment is because times have changed and parents both work and worry about their careers and this means that the kids get video machines and money to go to the mall. It is a big city state now Craig not like it was when you were a kid or even when i was a kid--heck i remember when they let us out of school for deer season and now that the liberals teach our kids this doesn't happen in the big city. How many of you have heard grown up hunters bitch because kids get over the counter tags? Do you think this encourages the kids to get out and hunt when we all should be praising this idea instead of bitching about it? The thought of people complaining about the turkey hunts just pisses me off! We have youth deer camps each year in Unit 22 and 23 and i hear from the grown ups that the kids are shooting all of their deer! This is a bunch of BS and if they would hunt they would see more deer than they ever would but you know as well as i do that some people drive the roads and hope they see a deer! Come on! Really? I can't tell you how cool it is to see these kids hunt hard and get a nice little buck or a nice big buck--i am proud of them because they hunted not drove and killed an animal but i am more proud of them that they have a great time and bring new kids each year. Craig, i am not sure if there are any good merits in this bill--they used 1996 data in all of their figures and that is the last year we had good rain and the beginning of this terrible drought--is this fair? no but it is politics at its finest. The tags have actually started to go up along with some of the mule deer herds in the state but not everywhere. All i am saying is this; the data they show is a way to make us all panic and believe the sky is falling! The major issue is that the fawns (all of them) have no place to hide once they are dropped--how do we make the grass grow with out water? We have water holes and the deer and antelope can drink but if they can't hide their young long enough to get them to run away from predators it makes no difference. So, let me ask one more time--how many tags will it take to make this drought go away? Make it rain and you have more deer to hunt--more kids will be out there and seeing deer and that is what makes them come back for more--with out the rain the deer herds keep falling and the kids will hunt for 3 or 4 days and not see a buck or even a deer then they will say the heck with it--i am staying home and playing games.
  10. TLH

    Mary Stine

    You guys did great helping her enjoy her life while she could. I pray that she is in her Heavenly Father's Arms right now telling him all about her time in the field with her parents and you all. My thoughts and prayers go out to her parents and all the people who will miss her--she is fine--we on the other hand will never be the same.
  11. TLH

    green outfitters

    Arizona Outfitter and Guide Service is opposed to this bill!
  12. It won't be dead until it is buried and in the ground. You can't kill a vampire with out a stake--and we all have a stake in this one. I think we need to continue to send the message. By the way--i was the one that asked if Pete would tell them to pack sand at the ADA meeting if they tried to pull this crap again and he said he would. Pete--i hope you did what you said you would do my friend.
  13. I added another one--he is another friend of the group. Will post more as i get them.
  14. I will be right there with you Amanda..i am excited to see what this will turn in to.
  15. TLH

    Aggressive Pig Attacks When Called In

    Pretty sure it was a J-13 call--perfect calling sequence for pigs too--note it sounded just like a little red getting eaten by something. Very cool!
  16. TLH

    ADA statement

    Good to meet all of you last night. I think we said what had to be said and i know the majority of the ADA board agreed with us--i can only hope that they did the right thing after we left and came up with a decision.... Terry Herndon
  17. TLH

    Antelope units??

    5B and 5A--10 is doing well too but last year not so much.
  18. TLH

    Newbie help Unit 20a

    Find Desoto Road and head to the west and north--glass all of the draws that are in that area--sounds like you are close to this area already.
  19. TLH

    What Happened to Gino's thread

    Amanda has done a great job with this site and many years ago when she first started it it was a site where people could come and speak about hunting but now it is a site where you come and hear conflict. If any of you have respect for this site and Amanda and the folks who help her run it you would go back to talking about hunting and leave the fight with the real enemies of our heritage. Some of you have changed a lot over the years from being very respectful to just looking for a fight--maybe it is the sign of the times--people are frustrated and we want to vent but dang guys and gals can't we vent against the people who are our real enemies?? Time to check ourselves folks because when we fight each other the cancer has started and the end is near.
  20. TLH

    ADA statement

    Hey Larry--i am in for $10.00 if you can get it rolling!
  21. TLH

    WTB nice hunting pack

    I have one on ebay right now (not max1) and it is only at $102.00-- http://www.ebay.com/itm/230732552977?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  22. TLH

    Weiers memo

    Stanley, I know how you feel about the ADA--i took over for you on the youth camps and we did OK for two years--then Brian Waitman took over after me and he did the best he could.. The board was always concerned more about Kaibab than anything else and they did a great job north of the ditch but they needed to worry about the entire state--then they did start working on waterhole projects and they worked on the 3-Bar project too. All in all the ADA does a good job on projects but they have very little support at the youth camps and that is frustrating. KRP is one of my biggest supporters of our youth camps and he is always there when we ask him to join us so i know he works hard. I hope we all have learned something from this ordeal---and as for JW's memo he sent out?? well all i can hope for is that he was on pain killers and didn't know what he was writing!
  23. TLH

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    No problem at all--thanks for editing the post.
  24. TLH

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Running bird---i own and operate www.thearizonahunter.com and that is where we posted it. I do not agree with this bill at all and i am not sure if you have read my posts or not but you will see i challenged John on many posts. My thing is i do not agree with booting Weiers out of office i think it would be a huge mistake to do so. I found out about this bill when Chris posted it and when Gary posted it on my website. As soon as i found out i started to research the bill and i called many people who i trust and none of them agreed with the bill at all. I watched the commission meeting from start to finish and was elated that the commissioners voted 5 to 0 on this. It was a very badly written bill that was ramrodded and pushed through to get it past all of us and that pisses me off. I do not want any of the critter groups or the SFW to make decisions for me and i will not let them if i can find out fast enough to get it out to the public. So, the reason i didn't come out and tell you about this is because i was just like the rest of you and found out about it when it was posted on my website. I will always post things on my site that will inform my group and i will always fight for what i think is right---and this bill was not right at all.
  25. TLH

    Ward's Outfitters Hunt Report

    Did the one hunter shoot one in Dec. and then jan.? Looks like he got two! That is awesome if he did that!!