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Everything posted by Lance

  1. Lance


    Thanks bud! Congrats to you as well! I know you understand how much work and how much fun that can be! Lance
  2. Lance

    Sadie Anderson got a nice one!

    What a great buck! Thats so Awesome! YOUR MY HERO GIRL! Lance
  3. Lance

    Sadie's Buffalo on Regs

    The Girl with her bull that was on there this last one was a bull from the year before.
  4. Awesome! Way to go bud! Lance
  5. Lance

    Courtney's Burro Mountain Muley

    Woooo! Awesome buck girl! way to go! Lance
  6. Lance

    Some first timers.....

    SWEET! Wackin and stackin from a young age! Gotta love that! Keep them kids on the right track! And that is one good looking hat!
  7. Wanted to say Congrats to hunters Sam and Dan on their Arizona 6B general rifle mule deer hunt! And a big congrats to Timberland Outfitters guide Ryan for getting the job done! I Hope you enjoy the pictures of these beautiful deer from central AZ! Sam was the first one to fill his tag with his big buck! Sam With his 6x6 buck of a lifetime! Dan took his great 3x4 the very next morning! Congrats on a fine pair of bucks guys! Lance
  8. My SD card with the majority my buffalo hunt pictures got ruined so I didn't get around to writing a big story like last year. We still have plenty of pictures scattered around between everyone but theses are just some I had on my phone. The Spring draw is out and it reminded me that we never posted last season's pics on here or on our website or Facebook page. Anyway here they are. There were 14 Spring tags last year. The G&F reports that only 6 hunters out of the 14 killed buffalo. These are the 4 that we took. The First one to tag out was Walter with this great old bull! The Second to Tag out was Stuart with his huge bull! The next hunter of ours to tag out was Bob with his old buffalo. At 81 years old Bob was the oldest hunter to have a 2010 spring tag. And last but certainly Not Least! You should all know our precious Saddie! At 11 years old she was the youngest one to have a 2010 spring tag! She posted her story on Coueswhitetail.com several months ago. And if any of you read the "What Have We Been Up To?" part one and part two stories from the 2009 season that are posted on here, I'm sure you can imagine the work and adventure that went into all of these hunts! Thanks again for everyone's support! We were truly blessed during the spring buffalo hunt! Lance
  9. Lance

    Southern Az bucks With Ward's Outfitters

    Congrats guys! Those are some nice desert bucks! Love the mass on the one! Lance
  10. Lance

    Finally my first mule deer!

    Congrats on your first mule deer! Sounds like it was hard earned! and Amen to that! Lance
  11. Lance

    Interesting buck

    The way I see it is, If Jake and Andy say there is something way weird about that buck, then theres is defentally something weird about that buck! Plain and simple. Especially if he is willing to put it on the net and share it with everyone! Obviously the pics cant tell us everything, I would have loved to have been there to experience a look at that deer with you. A unique experience and cool find for sure! Lance
  12. Thanks for all the nice comments guys! he is truly a unique buck! And congrats again to the hunters for a pair of great bucks from the General hunt! Lance
  13. This hunt started more than a year ago when My Wife and I decided to give Amy and Becky a Graduation Present! Amy and Becky are hunting maniacs and have been all their lives! They are great friends of ours and have helped TLO on Many Successfull Hunts over the years and have taken many great trophys their selves! But one thing they hadn't done is go on a Coues Deer hunt. ... I know I know... Tradgic.. lol! They had expressed intrest so we gave them a Fully Outfitted Coues deer hunt for their Graduation Present! Well, you can ask the girls, it was a looooonng time coming! But We were able to get some Left Over Tags for them for Sothern Arizona and soon Opening day had arived and they were all set with all the Coues hunting gear they needed! And an excited determination to beat all, so we headed out to Make some Memories! This is a phone picture I took of Amy and Becky while hiking in to a glassing spot opening morning! After some close calls on some other good bucks, Becky connected on this great 3X4 buck right at sunset. After an intence stalk she tipped him over in his bed at about 280 yards with a well placed shot from my 7mm RUM! An excited Becky pictured here with her sister Amy and their dad Ryan It was a long pack out that night but well worth it! We were even visited by the BB helicopter and tried to bum a ride but they had work to do I guess. lol! Beckys Buck Was the 6th buck we had seen that day. The Next day was Amy's day to cary the big gun! I took this Pic of Amy while hiking into a glassing spot on the second morning. After having her pass some bucks throughout the day I glassed up a shooter just befor sunset. As we got ready for the shot the buck knew something was up and began to sneek his way out of our lives. But Amy made an awesome 300 yard shot through the grass as the buck was just sliping out of sight! The 7MM RUM droped him in his tracks! It was a loong pack out that night too! but as always, well worth it! Amy's was the 10th buck we had seen that day. Amy and her twin sister Becky Amy and Lance Awesome! Two Great (first) Coues bucks, in two Great Days, For Two Great Galls! Congrats Again Girls and way to get the job done as usual! We're Very Proud of You! Thanks for the Memories! Lance PS......... I forgot to add a lil ending to the story,,,,,,,,,,,,, When we got home the girls had their deer heads with cape on in a large cooler in the back of the truck. That night a dog jumped into the back of the truck and opened the cooler and took the heads out!!!!!!!! Amy's was left behind and Becky's was gone!!!!!!!! Well, this isnt the first time a head has gone missing in the area and so the dog was quickly tracked down and the head found found in the back yard of a house down the road. This dang dog has draged off heads before but gettig in the back of a truck and getting a cooler open is just out of controol! Becky was VERRY SAD for a while thinking her beautiful first Coues buck was gone forever............ It was a little chewed up but at least she has it back now..
  14. Ok I don't have all of the pictures from the bucks from last week but here are some of the ones I have. I was told I had better post them before I left for the next hunt! Haha lol! So here they are! Thanks to everyone for helping us make such wonderful memories!! First, we have Tim with his beautiful 4x5! Tim made an awesome shot on this buck trotting up the other side of the draw through the timber! Then he came and helped Eileen and Carrie kill their bucks! Can't wait to hunt with you again Tim! Next, we have Eileen with her 4x4 on her VERY FIRST HUNT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go girl! We put the stalk on this buck and she showed us all how it was done! Congrats on a great buck! I'm glad we could all be a part of it! Next, we have my wife Carrie! Carrie and I both got drawn and were able to have a wonderful date together helping everyone fill tags and then we filled our own! Carrie shot this buck in his bed across a canyon at 350 yards with heavy fog and high winds blowing rain, sleet, and snow in our face! That's the closest she has ever killed a rifle deer, the girl is dangerous! The buck just rolled over in his bed and never moved! Carrie Likes the fact that my buck fits inside her buck! haha lol! Next, we have my buck.............. This is "HD" he is a beautiful 7x7 that scores 207 5/8"! Carrie and I pushed him out of his bed and I shot him off hand bounding away full tilt out of the bottom of the canyon at 160 yards! A sight I'll never forget! Sorry I don't have more pictures and story right now. Gotta go chase some Coues deer! Thanks for everyone's support! Lance
  15. Lance

    KAIBAB Bucks and "HD" 200+" 7x7

    Thanks Guys! And thanks Jim. I cant wait to get back up there! Lance I like this pic of Carrie's deer best I think. She likes the fact that My buck fits inside Her buck.... lol!
  16. Lance

    Sadie Anderson's Buffalo

    So how did it go? did the funds get raised? is it done? When do we get to see some pictures? Lance
  17. I forgot to add a lil ending to the story,,,,,,,,,,,,, When we got home the girls had their deer heads with cape on in a large cooler in the back of the truck. That night a dog jumped into the back of the truck and opened the cooler and took the heads out!!!!!!!! Amy's was left behind and Becky's was gone!!!!!!!! Well, this isnt the first time a head has gone missing in the area and so the dog was quickly tracked down and the head found found in the back yard of a house down the road. This dang dog has draged off heads before but gettig in the back of a truck and getting a cooler open is just out of controol! Becky was VERRY SAD for a while thinking her beautiful first Coues buck was gone forever............ It was a little chewed up but at least she has it back now..
  18. Awesome! What a great buck! Congrats to both of you! Cant beat being able to hunt with your Wife! Those memories will last forever! Way to get it done! Lance
  19. Lance

    TLO 2010 Spring hunt rundown pic's

    Thanks Tracy. That is very kind of you! PS... THE SPRING DRAW IS OUT! SO IF ANYONE KNOWS ANYONE WHO DREW A SPRING BUFFALO TAG............ We would love to hear from them! Lance
  20. Lance

    Corys first hunt

  21. Lance

    Wife's First Buck

    AWESOME! I love Hunting With MY WIFE! Congrats to you guys!
  22. Lance

    Last day, last hour buck!

    Oh Yeah! that buck is way cool! Congrats!
  23. Lance

    KAIBAB Bucks and "HD" 200+" 7x7

    WOW, Thanks Everyone! Just got back from a Coues hunt and read all the messages! Thanks you guys are awesome! Lance
  24. Can some one please help me! I need a new Medium belt for my big Badlands pack. The faulty design broke to pieces ! I talked to them and they said "I have one right here, I will get it in the mail today". That was over a month and a half dozen phone calls and messages ago! I'm not one to complain and am pretty easy goin. But walking around with a piece of backpack that is bailing wired together in new inventive ways every few days is not exactly impressing my clients! Maybe some of you out there can help me? Maybe you have some pull or are nicer than me or better looking than me? But for some reason I just can't get my Med Belt replaced or even a call back. And I've left messages with several people and message machines. Can some one please help. This is not a good time of year for this to be happening!!!!! Right now I'm with my 10 yrar old daughter in the field on her first deer hunt! And even she is wondering why "I have a pack that don't work?"
  25. Well here is goes. House Rock Buffalo Part 2. I will try to relay this story the best I can, but know that there is no way to cover every incredible detail, emotion and experience. We have hundreds of pictures and I cant help but post so many of them because this hunt, like the last one is not about the kill, but about the journey! And like the others, what a journey it was from start to finish! I hope you can enjoy it even a small bit of what we did! Like all of our hunts it starts with planning and countless hours of scouting. After Richard took his B&C class bull on the first part of the hunt Dennis had a renewed excitement about the rest of his hunt! Let me start out by telling you a little about the tag holder Dennis. Dennis, from the start insisted that he would rather take a cow buffalo than anything. I told him in the nicest way I could that we all thought he was CRAZY! And reminded him of the um-teen+ years that it took him to draw this tag and what kind of opportunity he had at hand! He told us that he had taken three cow buffalo on a ranch in Colorado and loved the meat and that he would just love to take another cow. I told him "We on the other hand of course, would love to take a big bull". So he agreed to take the first buffalo that he could take and would be happy no matter what he took! Ahhh, the words of every guides dream! Dennis is also a trooper with a strong heart that you cant keep down and always put forth all he could do, even to complete exhaustion ! Dennis has Fibromyalgia (or how ever you spell it?) And has been in 3 vehicle accidents with neck injuries from each! His spine condition effects allot in his body including being able to always lift his feet when he wants to and how high he lifts them. This sometimes effects him walking through the woods but like I said, he is a trooper and you cant keep the man down! After the first hunt we made plans for the next and I made some more scouting trips on my own to keep track of the movement of the buffalo. It was the time of year that the buff like to wander for miles every time a crow looks at them wrong! While on these scouting trips I decided that we had them nailed down and found many buffalo in the lower elevations of the unit! I let everyone know the plans, set out some trail cameras and headed back home to get everything and everyone ready. We actuall need to be there right then cus the buff were there and they don't hang around forever! But it just couldn't work that way and we all had to come back a couple days latter. These next couple dozen pictures are from some of that scouting. The weather was HOT and DRY and water was a big draw for the buff! Plans were made for a hot and dry hunt! Lots of sun screen and water! haha! Lots of buff had mooved down and sign and buffalo were everywhere! Camera #1 hiding in the brush. With a hope and a preyer that no one would mess with it! An old Buff carcas from years past. A big old Bull track as big as my head! My boys and girls would go crazy with all the tame rabits around the area! This old camp with the chimney/fire place some of may have seen before if you have done any wandering in this area. Found a great and fresh 170 class shed! I almost stepped on this Whip Snake. It's 4 feet long and as big around as your finger! It shot out from right under me and zipped up this tree 15 feet away in the blink of an eye! Of course, since I was there by myself, I didn't jump and squeel before grabbing my camera. Nope just grabbed the camera and took some pictures. Above is a big bobcat track I found over the top of my Quad tracks from earler that day! And I have to throw in some flower pictures because its springtime and there are beutifull flowers everywhere! Cant forget to stop and smell the roses! I hope you enjoyed my scouting pictures. Sorry I didn't get any pictures of buff during that time. But I had two trail cameras out and we would be back with the crew in a short few days! And of course we would bring some extra rifles just in case Dennis got a wild hair again! To be continued.