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Everything posted by elkman

  1. elkman

    San carlos BEAR

    Yea we went out for 3 days in unit b. WE saw three bears, all three were called in. The closest one was 13 yards from me at one point. Although he was a little guy. None we good enough to shoot. O well, maybe next time.
  2. elkman

    San carlos BEAR

    I was wanting to hunt spring bear this year but didnt draw a tag. I have never hunt San Carlos for bear. What is the best unit. Anyone had any luck recently there. Thanks Josh
  3. Just wondering if anyone has been seeing any bear signbeen out a few times looking for sheds and have not seen any yet. Also wonderung if they come out earlier in the year in the southern units as opposed to the northern units.
  4. elkman

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet

    Where is it and what time i would like to go, even if i never get a fricken tag
  5. elkman

    coues cape

    I have two heads my boy killed the last two years and we do not have capes for either deer. they were both 100" bucks. I dont have the measurments of the cape, and dont thnk it matters much. If anone wants to part with a couple let me know. thanks josh
  6. elkman

    coues cape

    I tried clay, and he said they have a waiting list for capes. O well, guess he'll have to wait till next year.
  7. elkman

    Land for Sale

    I also would like the info thanks in advance.
  8. elkman

    San carlos BEAR

    Thanks guys for the insight. I will check on the tags left over. I am hoping to get one for one of the units.
  9. elkman


    Im looking to buy a 22-250. Preferably rem 700. Anyone have any leads for me. thanks good luck to all next week
  10. elkman

    Polaris Sportsman 500

    PM Sent
  11. elkman

    Got Coues? Here she is...130 inch coues!!!(3x6)

    Everything is legally crossed! I'm not one to break the law or get anyone in trouble. Thx for looking out for me man I appreciate it. Not to doubt you, But we have tried to get permits to bring back sheds and pick ups but the US customs said its next to impossible. I am curious how you brought it back legally. I have a couple of leases down there and we have a couple of monster pick ups i would love to bring back. Thanks
  12. elkman

    Hunting channels

    I was wondering what cable service had the mens channel. Cox use to in my area but no i cant find it. I live in gilbert. Thanks Josh
  13. elkman

    5*14 trailer for sale

    will that hold a ranger, and where are you located. i am interested
  14. I was wondering if anyone knew of or know anyone who teaches taxidermy. I have been wanting to learn it. I have heard mixed responses as to how hard it is, but i think i am ready to give it a go. Thanks Josh
  15. I am looking to buy a swarovski spotting scope. I want the ats hd 80. Does anyone have one or know some one wanting to sell. Let me know.
  16. elkman

    swarovski spotting scopes?

    Thanks guys. I was wondering if there was a huge diff in the hd glass or not. thaks for the input. Keep you ears open for a 65 or an 80 thanks Josh
  17. elkman

    king buck

    I was bored at work tonight and was reading the old archives of monstermuleys.com. I somehow ran into 100 post on the topic of the battle over the buck shot by dan king. I reconized some names from here and was curious on the topic. What ever finally happen with that whole thing. Who ownes the rack. Does anyone have the pictures of dan kings and jim reynolds buck. What unit did it take place in. I have heard all sorts of stories on the subject, what was true. I think i seen a picture of the king buck one time but if anyone can post them it would bee nice. Hope im not bringing up a sore subject for anyone. Not trying to start a debate just would like to know some info on the two largest bucks ever killed. Thanks Josh
  18. elkman

    Bows For Sale

    i wil take 2 or three if they are still available. Let me know thanks
  19. elkman

    king buck

    Tht is an amazing deer no doubt. I also read the Reynolds buck was that big too. Any pics of that one? Also i heard the kiled those in 33 is that true. I was told by one of the guys at the pse shop in Tusc. Anyhow wow what a buck
  20. elkman

    New Demo List - Updated 9/2/06

    does anyone know weather its worth it to pay the extra on a leica spotting scope for the APO. I want to buy one but its 300 extra for APO. Any info would be great.
  21. elkman


    I live in gilbert. there use to be alot of spots in the east valley to hunt close. Does anyone know of some close spots in gilbert that are in the county where its legal or even queen creek. thanks wanted to take my boy out before work. Josh
  22. elkman

    New Demo List - Updated 8/31

    doug what is the diff in prices for the same scopes in leica. why are the same scopes diff prices, also what is the diff in 62 and 77 in televid Im not sure which one i want. But i want one. wil the both accept the 20-60 eyepiece. Any help would be great. Also do you accept paypal. Thanks Josh
  23. I dont think antelop shed their horns so it may be hard to find the shed. Anyone know the facts on that.
  24. elkman

    Shed hunting on ebay

    I would like to post pictures but im not up on the digital thing yet. I have a couple of trail cams with digital cameras, But i have no idea how to post pics of the shed rack i found. and yea i found it in AZ last year. I seems to be a year old, brown on one side, but i ahve looked for the buck and have not found him. I took one last year from the area and it had the same genes. It was a 4 point plus eye guards but not near as big. If i decide to sell the i will let you know first before i list them. thyanks and good luck to all on friday.
  25. elkman

    Shed hunting on ebay

    I was trying to find coues sheds and skulls on ebay and cant find them. What category are they in? Maybe i just don't know what im doing. Whaat do they go for. I have a matching set of sheds that score 122 without spread Its a typical 4x4 with a lot of mass. What would they be worth.