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Posts posted by elkman

  1. Well my 2012 archery hunt came and went this year on opening day.


    It all started this summer with a load of scouting. I have been into this area dozens of times in the last year knowing there were some good bucks in there. I had a couple of nice bucks on camera this summer, but had only seen this guy once before a distance and only for a second. I new he was a good one but not sure how good.


    fast-forward to the week of the hunt. I went up weds morning to start looking. Of course with all the weather the prior week, and raining weds my springs had a slim possibility of producing so I decided to head out to my glassing point and set up and do some glassing. Right away I spotted a group of 4 bucks one of them being a 100+ 3 point that I was considering shooting if the big guy didn't show.


    With a heck of a storm moving in I new conditions were gunna get tough. Wow what a long night of sleeping on a cot with a tarp over me. I couldn’t scout for most of the morning Thursday due to the rain, However when the storm broke a bit in the afternoon I went back out to glass. Just before dark I glassed up the big dude I was looking for.


    After contemplating how to approach him in the morning I was in a toss up. He was on a bench in between two huge canyons. I decided I better get to the glassing spot early, locate him and plan from there. At daylight on Friday when the sun came out enough to see I was not a happy camper. I couldn’t even see the bench they were on, wouldn't you know it, FOG. It was the longest two hours of my life. Finally I got a little break in the fog and put some glass on the bench. Instantly I saw the two little bucks that were with him. I new he was there. I then decided to boogie over there and see what I could do. After nearly 2 hours of crossing two canyons and scaling up to the bench where he was, I was to my dead juniper that was my goal.


    At this point my buck fever was setting in hard. I had an arrow knocked and slowly slipped my way in to what I thought was fifty yards from where I thought they would be. When I got to my next tree I looked through the bush and saw a deer feeding its way into an opening. With having stocked in of tons of deer in my day the scenario usually goes, “when I got there the little bucks were in the way of the big buck not offering me a shot, or the big one wouldn't step out”. Not this time. When the deer cleared the brush I was pleasantly surprised to see I t was him. As soon as I saw the rack I drew back figuring the yardage at 45. As soon as he cleared the tree I let it fly. The shot was tru and I nailed him perfect. I watched him disappear into the brush. At that point I was a wreck. Heart pounding, shaking, then doubt on the hit all start playing tricks on me. I waited about 20 minutes and the slipped up to the shot location. I looked above where he was standing and saw the arrow. Pass through, but no blood, I walked down the trail through the brush twenty yards and started seeing blood and a lot of it THANK GOD I was thinking to myself. After fifty yards of trailing there he was.


    Wow what a hunt and what a buck, defiantly was worth all the scouting and hard work. He has a 19" inside spread and 21"+ main beams. Was defiantly happy with him and there was no ground shrinkage on this guy.


    Thanks for reading: Josh Weeks









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  2. Thanks for all the advice and replies. We actually went back up for a third time and hiked back in to our spot. Around one mile in through some nasty brush and I just do happen to walk through the same bushhe lost it in. I couldn't believe it. It's like finding that other side to a huge shed you have been looking for. Guess when he went through the bush he tripped abc the scope done how flew out of the pack undetected. Thank god.


    By the way we did see some bears. Although three of then were sows with cubs. And the other was a loner but not very big. Looked like a one and half year old. Thanks again and good luck this weekend

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  3. i have been long range shooting for a few years now and have taken some great shots and killed many different animals at 500 plus yards. I have had several rifles built up and have a couple that shoot better than others. Out of my best shooter i consistantly get 3/4/-1 inch groups at 300 yards and around 1.5-2 inch at 500 3-4.5 at 700, just curious how other rifles you guys have shoot at longer range. Meaning 3-5 shot grouping.

  4. After a long 10 year dry spell my boy and i finally drew a unit 10 rifle antelope tag. I hunted it 10 years ago archery and killed a 78" buck. Of course my sights are much higher with the long stick. lets see some pics you all have from 10 we are starting our scouting trips next weekend.
