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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. Doesn't game and fish just divide the bonus points up anyway among those on an application? Example you have 20 but someone else has 1 then its just basically 10pts for the each of you?? Am I wrong?
  2. ready2hunt

    AZGFD giving out draw lists?

    I got these as well for my bull tag later this year. So G&F makes money on our tages, app fees and then again selling my information to companies??? Sounds like I should get a royalty for that....it's my information. Anyone know any good lawyers??
  3. ready2hunt

    Mechanical or Fixed Broadhead

    "Place shotment" ? Did you have a long day at work.? Just kiddin with ya! That is hilarious. I would have never noticed that if you had not pointed it out. I read it and it make perfect sense the first time. Thanks for all the posts. I am really looking at these shwackers now. They look pretty good. Any suggestions on where to buy them at the best price? I never buy things online personally....I like buying in person.
  4. ready2hunt

    Mechanical or Fixed Broadhead

    Is there any difference in flight or accuracy between the Swhacker your feild tips? What grain do you usually shoot? I would like to stick with 100gr
  5. ready2hunt

    Mechanical or Fixed Broadhead

    Do you know if the a quiver designed for the rage will fit my muzzy's as well or no?
  6. ready2hunt

    Mechanical or Fixed Broadhead

    I agree with all of this. The animals I've killed with 2 blade Rages looked like a hatchet went through them. They also fly just like field points. However, I've drawn on and elk and pigs and had to let down multiple times due to Rages prematurley opening in the quiver or on my stalk. Needless to say, I'm a fixed blade guy now. If you don't move much (ie hunt from a stand or blind) I am a huge fan of Rages. If you are a spot and stalk guy and move a lot, go fixed blade. That all being said, almost any broadhead will work fine for deer. The differences between most broadheads are marketing gimmicks IMHO. I agree. When I'm in a stand I use Rage. On the ground I use Slick Trick. This is the buck I took in August with a Rage. I missed the heart and lungs. It still did the job. He ran about 140 yards. It was impossible not to see the blood trail. That is just a crazy size exit hole!!!!! I have seen smaller exit wounds with my 30-06. If I do hunt from a tree stand or blind I am going to made the investment.....its well worth it from this picture.
  7. ready2hunt

    Mechanical or Fixed Broadhead

    Right now I am proficient at 50 yards without question. IMO that is. I can consistently hit the kill zone or size of a paper plate under range conditions to clarify. So if I am looking to extend my shooting range up to 80 yards (nothing beyond that) then a fixed broad head would not effect the flight pattern?? At this point since I have muzzy's and am more of a spot and stalk I suppose I will just stick with them. They are 3 blade.
  8. ready2hunt

    Best Shed Trip Yet!!! (pics)

    The mass on that is just crazy! Great pics, thanks for sharing!
  9. Hey everyone, I figured I would post this up since there has been some discussion. To preface my comments I would like to state that I do not work for the govt./game and fish and that I am not a lawyer (and certainly have room to learn) however I like to do my research and I like know my rights as an outdoorsman. I hope this information helps any of my fellow AZ big game enthusiasts and the CWT family in particular. Please read the whole thing though...I don't want anyone taking my words and getting into trouble. You can bait anything except bears in the state of Arizona regardless of the species or substance you are using. If you couldn't then we wouldn't be able to hunt over water holes etc (just a touch of commen sense there) There is law written about this. AZ Game and Fish Laws and Rules details this. If you are unaware- "AZ Game and Fish Laws and Rules" are a compilation of what is actually written in the "Arizona Revised Statues" or ARS. This is the link to the Laws and Rules from G&F http://www.azgfd.gov..._azgfd_laws.pdf and this is a copy of the 07'-08' edition (having trouble finding a more updated version) however they will not have changed much as there are only amendments made to law yearly. If you go to the link look up Title 12 ch.4-303 par. B (Page 97 of the link.) you can view the actual verbiage. In case you are skeptical read the first couple of pages of the link and it tells you where these sections are taken out of the ARS's and you can cross reference then on: http://www.azleg.gov/ArizonaRevisedStatutes.asp which are up to date. The law only refers to bear baiting for any reason. Only AZ Game and Fish and the Bureau of Land Management have to authority to supersede this (Or any other federal agency given authority). Remember that a lot of these Game and fish people do not have the Arizona Law Statues memorized (even law enforcment has quick reference guides for citing tickets) but technically speaking Game and Fish Rangers have more power with regards to writing tickets than local law enforcement which brings me to my next topic. AZ Game and Fish, the Sheriff's Dept or even Local Law Enforcement can cite you for- Damaging land with SALT and/or Mineral Blocks (because it kills plant life) or a Tree with spikes as steps to a tree stand or even cutting off branches of a tree to make room for the perfect hunting blind without a permit to harvest a tree (technically). Obvisouly private land is a little different but even then more laws come into play with permission to hunt etc. Reaslitically any agency can cite you for anything they want becuase they all work under the ARS but that is why we have to option to go to court and fight a ticket (as annoying as it is). As we all know- no one is perfect and they certainly do not get it right all the time. Again, this information is not intended to get anyone out of trouble. I just decided to know my rights after a bad run in with a Game and Fish Rep. and I am the first to say that most of them are great. Its just one person to another giving information. (PS I attached a hard copy of the AZ Game and Fish Laws and Rules) Its not gospel but I hope it helps and only 3 1/2 months till archery season!!! all_azgfd_laws.pdf
  10. ready2hunt


    +1000 +1001 Nobody would be touching my boy like that and gettin' away with it. Poor kid! Out of curiosity....is law enforcement involved? If not.....why not? It is illegal to administer any health related treatments to any indivdual without the consent of a parent or guardian unless it is a life saving measure. This includes dental work, eye care, hearing care. I would be curious to know more details. My heart goes out to your son!
  11. ready2hunt

    Pick up my new mount 138 7/8" Coues

    That buck is unreal! What a great mount
  12. ready2hunt

    Trail cam placement

    I have found that especially with coues the weather does more than the deer. Cows tend to tear them up them along with elk depending on the area. The coues tend to link the ground around my block more than the blocks themselves.....its interesting. All i use are mineral blocks unless i am hiking long distances.
  13. ready2hunt

    Laws Regarding Baiting

    I was on my first jr. hunt years ago with my father and grandfather. It was an anterless hunt in Kiabab. My grandfather dropped my dad and I off on old logging rd about 30min. in on opening morning. We hiked 100 yrds and he spotted several does in a feild so we set up and my dad walked me through the whole "know your shot and beyond etc" and I took my animal. Turned out that it was a buck but the "nubs" had not broken through the skin so it was legal. After being so pumped I had taken my first big game animal and pictures with my dad and grandfather, my father starts showing me how to feild dress the deer. Out of no where a game and fish guy walks up between my father and I (Without saying a word) grabs the head and starts rubbing the head with his hand to see if the knub would push through. He then started grilling me about unethical shots and that should have not shot him and that I can have my licsence taken away (All the while never saying who he is or aknowledging my dad or grandfather.) Naturally my dad steps in because the guy was inches away from my nose and they get in a shouting match for 10-15min. Needless to say at 14 yrs old on my first hunt I felt bad and it ruined that morning. So since that time I make sure I know my rights as well as do's and dont's and it has come in handy several times when setting up a camera or walking around with corn. I am willing to bet the G & F was having a bad morning but just the same it was unncessary.
  14. ready2hunt

    Stop doing business with BofA

    I am selling my house and glad to be done with B of A! Down with the crooks!
  15. ready2hunt

    5B North mule deer?

    There are some good ones but I have never seen one that will make the record books but they are out there....there's a reason they get that big. Scout in the ceder/pine transitional area and look at draws that lead out from canyons and you might end up having to make a long shot or do a lot of stalking to get within a healthy shot range. Good luck!
  16. ready2hunt

    180 class bucks

    Those are awesome! I can't till I get one.....one of these days haha! Congrats
  17. ready2hunt

    how many points do you have?

    I have 3 haha my father has 21 pts
  18. ready2hunt

    Photos from 2nd Annual AZ AntlerFest!! AMAZING collection!

    Some of those shed are unbelievable! I am sorry I missed it! Thanks for the photos
  19. ready2hunt

    does anybody know this person?

    I just read through this thread today was feeling a little ashamed that I spent all morning doing it haha! Interesting to see how it all played out and what a terrific elk!!! I would have been upset too if I had not down'd him. It'll be interesting to see if this thread keeps going now.
  20. ready2hunt

    thoughts on new coconino road rules

    Yep they need some serious education to take place. I am planning on going up and putting out some cameras and scout in a couple of weeks for my Oct. rifle hunt and had no idea this had happened. (And I would consider myself someone who makes an effort to stay informed) Thanks for all the info shared everyone. Every animal I have ever killed has been through hiking off the beaten path but my father and grandfather don't really have that option anymore. I do not agree with the extent that this was done. Now I am younger than most I admit it but isn't this how they turned Units 12ab and 13ab into trophy hunts under their "Alternative Managment Guidelines?" Obviously those hunts focus deer but didn't they slowly limit the liberty hunters had within those units with access and tags?? Just an innocent question.
  21. ready2hunt

    This one spooked me while walking.

    also I think there is a season.... runs with bobcat I believe. James Sept-March -Commission Order #14 AZ G&F ....Basically the non-gestational period
  22. Shot this one while tracking a coues last year. I had never seen a Coti in the wild. In fact I though it was a badger until Game and Fish told me he was a Kudamundi. He was walking away from me at about 30 yards. popped him with a rem. 150gr 30-06 and he still turned around and put up a fight for a min. Now....I know that this is the classic "take a picture at an angle to make him look bigger" position (which we did)....however, he was in fact pretty big! I put my boot/leg next to his head to show some proportion. I bleached the skull and keep it as a table peice at the distain of my wife.
  23. ready2hunt

    This one spooked me while walking.

    Ya that is something I will need to look up. I got a couple of game cameras in this area now and they are always popping up now but this was the only one I have ever see in daylight.
  24. ready2hunt

    Oct. 2011 Coues

    Here is a poor photo of the buck I shot in 2010"....its hard to see becuase of his white shirt but my father is holding a 2x3 that would fit inthe plam of your hand! Great hunt haha
  25. ready2hunt

    Oct. 2011 Coues

    Went out with my father last Oct. and downed this buck at 8am opening morning. I walked up on this buck sparing with a smaller 2 point and shot him at 20 yards (he never heard or smelled me...he was too preoccupied). I shot another 3x4 buck in that same spot in 2010 at 10 yards (pure DUMB luck on both hunts). This buck gave a death leap and tumbled over. This is the largest coues I have ever shot and while he is no monster I am pretty proud of him (great eatin' too). The only thing that top's this buck would be that fact that I got to share this hunt with my father. He doesn't have too many more seasons of hunting left in him so it was a great memory! He tells me that seeing his kids take an animal brings him more joy than pulling the trigger himself ever could. I look forward to that joy in the future. Thought I would share! (Oh and I think he measures in at 50-55" ??? I could be completely off)