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Posts posted by ready2hunt

  1. I have 3 of the primos truth 35 but not the "ultra." It's the model before that. They are going on 5 years old...not a single issue and have terrific resolution. All my primos cams have the same mega pixel count. If you want to see some examples looks at some of the pics I have posted up. If my old ones work good then I would venture to say the ultra is good too. I've said it before.....people will knock the primos brand but their cameras have very few customer complaints compared to others.

  2. Where I hunt, there is a not very friendly forest service guy who makes people move their camp 10 feet to the left, cause they camped on some grass... Its true. Erensto was there to see it. The guy stated that you can not put cameras or tree stands or salt on wilderness.

    He states if you leave them on wilderness and he finds them he will take them. If you show up to claim them they write you a $150-$250 ticket.


    that guy needs a girl friend

    • Like 4

  3. Went an checked my cameras. Got some decent pics even after having a bear take a chunk out of my camera...I found it this time on the ground and 1/2 my pics were of the sky as you'll see from the last pic. The fuzziness in the middle of the pic is the crack in the glass from where a bear took a bite.












  4. Okay so let me start off this post by saying this is not an urban legend, I saw this with my own eyes over the weekend. HOWEVER, I do not have a pic to prove it.


    I went to visit a family member of mine up by Clint's Wells over the weekend. Drove up early and back late that same day. I took the drive back just before dark to see the elk on my way out. I saw about 5 different elk herds on my way off the Rim.


    On my way back in (the sun had already gone down) I saw, to my amazement a GIANT 7pt bull no more than 15 yards off the road, he was acting like he was waiting to run across the road. Traffic was pretty light so I pulled over (very briefly) and he started to parallel the car on the embankment, he stopped looked at us and then when I tapped the brake a 2nd time the light spooked him and he turned and ran over the hill (out of sight).


    Here is the strange part- HE WAS NOT IN VELVET. I have been hunting 25 years and call bulls on the rim for fun or hunting every year without fail. I am not a novice hunter and can claim with absolute surety that there was (0) velvet on this monster. I had my brights on and he was well illuminated. He quickly trotted off and I had no chance to take a pic. The only witness I have was my father in the car with me.


    Perhaps for some of you biologists out there this is not that uncommon however I have never seen that this late/early or however you wish to put it but had I not see it with my own eyes I would question it. Have any of you seen this before?


    PS- If you got a 22N tag let me know and I'll pm you were I saw this monster. he was very symmetrical with 7 points plain as day.

  5. I bought a $20 tent from walmart. Sets up in less than 5min. and (when packed) is the size of a phanny pack. Fits me and my gear fine (but no room for anyone else). I do not care if I lose it or if I tears as it is cheap. Keeps me dry etc. I know everyone has their choice but I can go through many many little tents before I every reach the same price of this $$$ gear and it is smaller and weighs less than a lot of this other stuff. Just a thought
