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Posts posted by YoungHuntr

  1. Yup. Only reason your link is not working is because it says "bloodintinct" without an S. Easy enough to fix. Just did a google search and your blog came up fine.




    FYI: You get major props for the fly rod and reel homepage picture. Doesn't hurt that it is a fully machined made in the USA Ross Reel either. What's fly rod is that? I know it's a 9' 5wt.

    • Like 1

  2. I once saw this type of hunt on a hunting channel. They waypointed every killed hog and had a ground team go around to pick them up. But in some cases these hunts just let them lay. Which is an incredible waste. I know hogs can be destructive but this is not the sort of thing I would ever like to participate in,

  3. I had the mid hunt this year. It was hard. Hiked up a hellacious dead fall and found two elk well over 5 miles from the nearest road. And over 1000 vertical feet up this dead and down covered slope. No way I was going to be able to pack em' out by myself. I shot one big cow elk in another area, long story short blood trail petered out and two days of seraching no bueno. They are in there but its a tough hunt. I don't think I even would have seen elk if it weren't for members on this forum who gave me advice. I didn't have the ability to pack out an elk from up near the tree line, so I didn't even hike up into that area.

  4. Man I have been there- more times than I care to admit. The sickening feeling when you realize you've aimed where you wanted to but something happened- the animal moved as the gun went off, your scope was bumped, etc..... and seeing that blood on the ground gives you hope, but you can't find it. I know how tough that can be.


    I hope you have success locating him. The blood trail looked solid. Keep looking. You'll get it done if you keep a good attitude, which you seem to be doing much better than I could in that situation.


    Good luck.

  5. That's all she wrote. 24-10 Packers win. They had some really good drives there. Rodgers touched 8 different recievers in 14 plays during the first half. It was a good game.


    Just a bad day for the vikings. Though they have played some really good football during the year.


    I am just SO greatful this years play-off game was not like the first play-off for the packers last year- that was just painful to watch. And after a stellar season.


    Looking forward to the game vs the 49ers.


    Sorry to all the Vikings fans out there.

  6. I had the WORST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE trying to order a pair of scope rings from Dick's. I believe after all was said and done it took them over two months to get them to me, even with a two week guarunte. And the rings were improperly milled (Weaver's fault, not Dick's, but still......) Plus it wasn't extenuating circumstances, it was incompetence that was the issue. That was my first and only experience at Dick's. Or first and last, should I say.

  7. Ive got Oak and juniper split and stacked sky high here in Pinetop and cant give it away for 200 a cord.Got like 15 cords each. Market is flooded with wood. Drive down the highway and count how many yahoos are selling wood, its ridiculous. Heres a typical trip cost to cut wood, Gas= 50, chain=30, wear and tear=free, Labor=free.

    240 is cheap. 200 is even cheaper.928-242-4717


    Uncool to jack with someone's thread, especially a young man trying to make a buck. If you want to post an add for your firewood,do it in another thread.


    Just sayin'



    If you think im haulin firewood more than 30 miles, your crazy. We are 300 miles apart bonehead! Read before you run ur mouth.

    Just sayin'


    Oh, I read the post alright, and thought about including that I know you are not competing with him directly. I was simply making a comment that I object to the insinuation that you should just look around and find someone selling it slightly cheaper vs supporting a young man learning work ethics and working hard for some pocket change. I did not mean to offend you. I was just suggesting you not take away from someone elses thread when it would be just as effective to start your own. Generally people posting classifieds do so assuming their add will remain their own without any hitchhikers.


    Again, sorry if I cam off as gruff, it was late and I was being brief.
