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Everything posted by brian390

  1. Like already said, wolves are the way that anti hunters see as a way to get rid of hunting. It seems like this country is getting more idiots than people with logic, and its sad to see it happen. Hunters need to keep speaking out against these destructive agendas of the anti hunters.
  2. brian390

    12A Archery Kaibab Deer

    I haven't been up there either since it turned to a draw for archery deer. I'm sure that someone on here has, and could let you know if the hunting pressure has changed. Good luck on your hunt.
  3. Thanks for the responses it helped a lot.
  4. I have an archery deer tag this year in kaibab, and can't seem to find anything about if off road travel restrictions are in effect up there. If anyone could let me know if camping and off road restrictions are in effect up there it would be appreciated. Also do they still require a habitat stamp to hunt in the kaibab? Thanks.
  5. brian390

    A few mulie bucks

    Great video! I hope I can find some bucks like that this year.
  6. brian390

    Political Discussions request

    We could always make the political section about politics related to hunting and any other politics. Just a thought.
  7. brian390

    Results are in

    I drew Kaibab archery.
  8. brian390

    Results are up

    kaibab archery for me. Congrats to all that drew.
  9. brian390

    A very sad day!

    I hope that you got to keep your points. You'll get drawn again, and maybe it will be on an even better year. Thanks for your service.
  10. brian390

    cards are being hit

    I most likely got archery kaibab. Congrats to all that drew!
  11. brian390

    cards are being hit

    I'm still waiting to find out. Congrats to those with hits.
  12. brian390

    transplant unit

    Before I put in, I was just wondering what unit the transplanted bighorn to the catalinas came from? Thanks.
  13. brian390

    transplant unit

  14. brian390

    4a 4b

    On thursday I was with someone that had a tag, and we didn't hear a gobble either.
  15. brian390

    My Mother's Day

    Sounded like a lot of fun. Great write up, and thanks for sharing.
  16. I think that it's less crowded on the last two weeks for sure. I got my bird 3 days ago on Saturday morning, and they were still gobbling pretty good then. That same morning I heard birds gobbling from three different ridges and hills. Sunday I went out with my dad who still had a tag, and they were gobbling on the roost but quit once they hit the ground. I have a friend that has gotten them on the very last day more than one time, so you never know. The weather is supposed to be better this weekend also. You should go, because it could happen.
  17. brian390

    turkey mouth call

    Thanks for the response, that helps a lot.
  18. brian390

    turkey mouth call

    I just bought the woodhaven copperhead 2 turkey mouth call and I'm just wondering what side of it is supposed to go up? The box said that the lock goes down, but I'm not sure what that means. I'm thinking that the letters woodhaven go in the up position but not sure. If anyone can help me with this I would appreciate it. Sorry for my ignorance. Thanks
  19. brian390

    5B | Turkey gobbling

    I heard gobbles friday morning thru sunday morning every morning and evening. I wasn't in 5b though.
  20. brian390

    2nd season spring turkey

    Got it done today, 2 birds down. The weather was perfect this morning. We called in a group of 4 gobblers. Anyone else have any luck?
  21. brian390

    2nd season spring turkey

    Good luck to all the 2nd season spring turkey hunters. I have the second season and will be out this weekend. This weekends weather is looking pretty good. I hope that the birds are still hot.
  22. brian390

    Gobbling report..what are you hearing?

    I heard 6 different birds in 4 different spots while I was scouting last weekend on Saturday.
  23. brian390

    Ashlyn's 1st spring turkey hunt

  24. brian390

    G&F wolf release news

    Get rid of the wolves. It seems like everyone always has to change whats working and ruin it.