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Posts posted by Shedhunteraz

  1. No tree stand my luck I would fall asleep of boredom and fall out of the tree. Either ground blind or there is a little knob just above my other cam which is about 300 yds from this one and I have created a nice little highway for them to travel. Honestly I will check cams day before and pray about it and let the lord lead me. Seem to work for me everytime.

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  2. Azborn 2 hunt i dont have a check station set up but i wish i did so that i could have congratulated all the lucky hunters personally. I do how ever know several of the guides across the state and chose to use my phone to call all these great people i call friends and acuantances thru out the hunt for their opinions and just to enjoy some of what they were experiencing on their hunts. I also called my indian friends on the san carlos who are also awesome hunters for their reports. I spent 27 days straight in unit 23 so in reality if it has to be first hand then i can only speak for what i saw in 23. I wish i could have found more big bulls myself but i wasnt good enough to find them this year, just like several other guides. There were however a couple toads killed this year in 23 so i did miss finding those ones, darn it. I saw weak 5ths on a lot of bulls and thats what i saw. The biggest i saw was in the low 380s and we ended up killing a 368 6bull by 6, with a pretty good back end. We are very proud of him, but wish we could have done better. Im glad you had a better year than most, its nice to hear someone was knee deep in giants, thats always a good thing. Azborn2hunt welcome to the site i see these r your first couple posts. Why dont you introduce yourself so maybe i could call you also next year for a report also, the check station always loves a good report.


    There are way better bulls in other units than in 23.... crappy unit... I personally hate hunting there...

    Couldn't agree with you more gino, well said. 23 is starting to resemble 4b for elk. Gino i'm still trying to locate the rest of your coues deer stands, what color truck do you drive? Dave

    SWWWWEEEEEEETTTTTT. I agree what a crappy crappy unit. I guess me and my sons will just have to take these tiny bulls out of the gene pool. Oh and cant forget about this one on 5-19.






  3. There have been a number of these threads now, and the only thing that should be coming out of this is that the person who shot the bull recovered the bull thanks to someone else being a stand up person. Why cant it just be left at that, every single thread has bee hi jacked by people discussing the amount of wounded animals and how people just make poor decisions. I would be willing to bet that before a site like this you probably had the same thing going on it just wasn't publicly talked about....and nobody could judge another hunter and his decisions with the exception of those people he told himself.

    Yeh what he said

  4. Well thank you to all who helped out. I just got off the phone with the gentlemen's friend who was with them on the hunt. It is their bull. They lost the meat but know have the bull. He will be up tomorrow to pick up. You cant ask for a better site with some of the best hunters and people. Thank you to all that got the word out and this one to its owner in less than 24 hours. Awesome. God bless.

    • Like 6

  5. Find the hunter or not. The animal belongs to the state since the season closed sucks! but we could see some pics how big?

    Tell that to the guy who hunted his rear off and im sure longer trying to find his bull. I sure hope there are people like us and other coues members who would do the same around if you every drop a bull and cant recover it, and then it is found. Why on earth does it matter how big it is? We just want this hunter to get his bull back.

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  6. Not sure if this might be the same bull, by my buddy had his family camping at Woods Canyon a couple weeks ago and had a bull stagger thru their camp with an arrow sticking out its neck. He couldn't get to his phone fast enough to take a pic. 23N isn't that far from that.

    No that wasn't him. I am absolutely floored at the amount of pms we have got that people lost bulls. we know of 5 that got killed in 23 n. and now 5 that have been lost. Very very sad

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