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Everything posted by hunt4horns

  1. hunt4horns

    They are starting to hit CC

    My informant tells me their done for the day, they wanted to run a few to make sure problems are corrected. Will continue Monday.
  2. hunt4horns

    Credit card question

    I'm talking about compromised credit cards.
  3. hunt4horns

    Credit card question

    There's just way too much of thaw crap going on !
  4. hunt4horns

    I'm waiting

    How many of you are losing production at work while you wait ?
  5. hunt4horns

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Maybe after Elk results are posted this thread will get a little more active. I have some things to part with once I go thru them.
  6. hunt4horns

    Credit Card Hit!!!

    Thank you buffhunter. . . .
  7. hunt4horns

    I'm waiting

    HMMM HMMM HMMM. . . . . ..
  8. hunt4horns

    I'm waiting

    PLEASE !
  9. hunt4horns

    I'm waiting

    I'M DONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. hunt4horns

    Credit Card Hit!!!

    JUST DO IT !
  11. hunt4horns

    Credit Card Hit!!!

    Just do it anyways. . . .you can make it happen.
  12. hunt4horns

    What up with dat??

    I can see if it's the applicants fault, no funds, expired, etc. . . .then YES too bad so sad. However if it's due to something that happened outside the card holders control it's only fair to attempt to correct it. Like I said, some may disagree until it's them that it happens to and as long as it doesn't exceed the draw deadline.
  13. hunt4horns

    What up with dat??

    I would assume either way their deadline is a deadline when it comes to posting draw results, we have become acustom to finding out earlier. Either way we are going to be hunting in the fall or not. I know some people aren't going to like my comment however it is the truth. Either we draw or we don't ! That pic is priceless Bonecollector. Looks like me logging in to CWT.
  14. hunt4horns

    When will we see the first CC Hit??????

    This friday.
  15. hunt4horns


    It would be interesting to see how many people would change their view if they were to get a email from their bank saying something like "We regret to inform you but your credit/debit card has been compromised and no more transaction will be excepted on that card however a new card is on it's way and you should receive it within the next 10 days. Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause you" ! See how fast you get on the game and fish site trying to enter another card just hoping it would still accept the change. Or you just may say "well maybe next year". Be honest with yourself when you respond.
  16. hunt4horns


    I was thinking the same thing but was trying to let it go!
  17. hunt4horns


    Hey, if always plan on getting to work 2 minutes before it starts and there is an accident on the HWY, you're still late right.... Just sayin. Bold letters or not.. You're not sorry for waiting until the last minute and I am not sorry for the drama that comes with a decision like that. (Although your deal sounds like a banking exception, others do not have such an excuse).. For the record.... I wish luck to all CWT members on the draw, last minute or not... Even Bone777 Thanks for helping me understand why the system failed. Not sure I understand where the time I get to work and a accident on the HWY comes in but I'll continue to work on that. Couldn't have anything to do with peoples expectations not being met or anything like that.
  18. hunt4horns


    Give bonecollector777 the tag of his choice.
  19. hunt4horns


    Oh yeah, the lady also said that for all those that put the blame on other and made comments on CWT would not get a tag unless they apologize.
  20. hunt4horns


    I knew that comment was coming however if I must explain here you go! I just received my new card on friday (old one comprimised) and it said that once I activate my new card that the temporary would only be good for 3 more days after the activation. So instead of hoping they would do the draw in the next 3 days I decided to go ahead and activate the card and change the billing info on their site. Don't blame us for their generic process. Take a prozac sit back and chill. The lady I spoke with said there problem would not delay the draw process as they allow for such delays. She also indicated that it would likely be another 2 weeks before the draw takes place. However GOOD LUCK and hope you draw a tag.
  21. hunt4horns


    I just spoke with Game and Fish and they are aware of the problem from yesterday, they said once the problem is fixed they will extend the deadline for updating your info. lets see what happens from here.
  22. hunt4horns


    Their system is already acting up. Won't verifiy the updated information as someone else has already stated. It takes the new info then says "upstream server has timed out". The stress level has already begun to elevate.
  23. hunt4horns

    WTS Like New Ruger LCP

    Location ? Any pics ?
  24. hunt4horns

    Keeping binos on tripod while hiking?

    Just stay in one place and don't move. The animals will eventually show up, it might get a little cold at night but it beats breaking down to move.