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Posts posted by AZCouesManiac

  1. My dad killed this buck on November 9th opening morning we were hoping for a buck over 100' but due to the bad weather we were extremely happy with this buck he's a pretty cool old buck and it made it special because we have seen him a couple times before. We got up to our spot thursday night and set up camp but as everyone who hunted at this time knows it was blowing and raining like crazy! Due to this we both didn't get any good sleep and had to wait tell about 8am before we could even attempt to get out and get to where we wanted to hunt. As soon as the rain cut out we headed out to our spot and started glassing. The wind was relentless gusting at what had to of been 40 mph so we knew if we were going to find a good buck it was going to be beded down. We glassed for a couple hours to where we had resently been seeing some good buck but we only found a little two point bedded down with some does. So we moved over another ridge to where I had killed my buck the hunt before in search of the this big ol two point he was running with. We glassed and glassed only seeing a couple does but I had a feeling if I stayed patient he would turn up. After what seemed like my 1000th time scanning the ridge in my Vortex Kiabab's there he was. We ranged him at 300 yards but couldn't get set up in time to get a good shot before he bedded back down. Now it was a waiting game, we got set up and finally after about 3 hours he stood back up. This time surely we would get a shot but he just stayed in the thikest stuff. Finally after what seemed like forever he started walking, If he came out of the thick stuff we would only have a second to shoot and I told my dad he was about to walk out. The buck walked out broadside and bang!! perfect shot the buck went about 20 yards and fell. Nothing like good hunting memories with the people you love most.post-9264-0-39251500-1353715017_thumb.jpgpost-9264-0-72204000-1353715028_thumb.jpg

  2. My dad killed this buck on November 9th opening morning. We were looking for a buck over 100' but due to the bad weather we were extremely happy with this buck, he's a pretty cool old buck and it made it special because we have seen him a couple times before. We got up to our spot thursday night and set up camp but as everyone who hunted at this time knows it was blowing and raining like crazy! Due to this we both didn't get any good sleep and had to wait tell about 8am before we could even attempt to get out and get to where we wanted to hunt. As soon as the rain cut out we headed out to our spot and started glassing. The wind was relentless gusting at what had to of been 40 mph so we knew if we were going to find a good buck it was going to be beded down. We glassed for a couple hours to where we had resently been seeing some good bucks but we only found a little two point bedded down with some does. So we moved over another ridge to where I had killed my buck the hunt before in search of the this big ol two point he was running with. We glassed and glassed only seeing a couple does but I had a feeling if I stayed patient he would turn up. After what seemed like my 1000th time scanning the ridge in my Vortex Kiabab's there he was. We ranged him at 300 yards but couldn't get set up in time to get a good shot before he bedded back down. Now it was a waiting game, we got set up and finally after about 3 hours he stood back up. This time surely we would get a shot but he just stayed in the thickest stuff. Finally after what seemed like forever he started walking, If he came out of the thick stuff we would only have a second to shoot and I told my dad he was about to walk out. The buck walked out broadside and bang!! perfect shot, the buck went about 20 yards and fell. Nothing like good hunting memories with the people you love most!post-9264-0-69668800-1353714732_thumb.jpgpost-9264-0-91088600-1353714757_thumb.jpg

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  3. I had set a goal of shooting a 100' buck this year didn't do that but we had a great hunt. The first day of the hunt we saw tons of bucks some big two points that made you wanna pull the trigger but knew it was the first morning and that I still had a chance for a big one. The next morining we went back to the same ridge as the day before. Pulled out the tripods and began to glass within a couple of minutes I saw two pretty nice bucks that were locking their antlers together. We continued to watch them for a while knowing that there was a good chance a couple more buck would be running with them. Sure enough a real cool old huge two point walked out from behind the trees. We decided that he would be worth shooting although he would probably only score mid to upper 80's. We began the long stalk of the deer where we got to 350 yards about as close as we could get. We got set up and immedialely saw two of the deer bedded down but not the big two. One of the bucks that was bedded down was a pretty decent three point and was the one I ended up shooting, we waited for the huge old big bodied two point to show him self but he never did. That's when the three point stood up and my cousin said do you wanna take him, he's not bad. I knew I would be happy with him so I squeezed the trigger. Cousin says missed him! I threw another shell in real quick. The buck ran a little ways then my cousin said 430 yards. I took a deep breath found him standing broadside and let out another shot. We could hear the bullet thump him and he said he's hit and said he saw him run 30 yards and never saw him come out. So my dad and my uncle came and met up with me and my cousin and sure enough when we got down their my deer was laying right where my cousin said he would be! You can tell in one of the pictures he broke of his G2 completely when he feel. Luckly I was able to find it after searching for a while and was able to hold it on while taking some pictures.post-9264-0-82708100-1352132702_thumb.jpgpost-9264-0-42691400-1352132746_thumb.jpg
