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scounting last weekend, Bucks, and Fawns

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Did some scounting around 36A and 36B.


I have a place where I always see bucks. Have had two first timers get there dear opening morning two years in a row here. I rolled up and saw this first buck. He was about 100 yards off and I was with a couple bow hunters and when we got moving he spooked. A second buck that was behind the upper right tree followed behind them. As i was looking for them I saw another even bigger buck grazing. three huge bucks within 40 yards of each other.






Then saw this cute little fawn that appears to be very very young.





This is actually a ghost town called "Old GLory" They had a post office and everything. I will have to dig out some pics of this building a few years ago when it still had a steel roof. I am sure the hippies stole the roof off as the steel was no where to be found.








Oh and if you did not notice it was VERY VERY green and these last pics were weeds taller then my lifted jeep.





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What unit is that in? No need for your hot spot, I am just curious about the building. Thanks!

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