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Problems with McMillan stock on a Savage Rifle

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I bought a Stevens 7mm Rem mag about a couple years ago. It had the old trigger and the new center feed, in the stock, blind magazine


I sent the barreled action to Sharpshootersupply in Ohio to tune the receiever and do some other stuff.


Then I sent the barreled action to McMillan to get a stock in "EDGE" technolgy including a custom bedding job and installation.


I got the whole thing back and rear receiver screw is not tightend down like like the front receiver and trigger guard screws. So, I tighten the rear receiver screw by the trigger guard and the trigger now binds........hmmm


I send the whole gun back in and it comes back and the screws are all tight now and the trigger does not bind. HOWEVER, when I took the receiver out the blind magazine comes flying out of the stock like a "jack in the box" and the pieces go flying all over the floor.


I took a look and tried to fit the pieces back in the space in the stock for the blimd magazine and it is loose as a goose. Bummer


I called back today and they will look at it again.


The customer service is EXCELLENT and are appologetic and have paid for shipping the gun back second day air!!! The people on the phone seem to be in disbelief that their gunsmiths could have missed such seemingly basic details.


What all do you have that have experience with McMillan and with the new center feed blind magazines?


I'll attach some photos to another post.





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I do work for them, they are a client of mine. They are stand up people with the highest standards. It surprises me you had a problem, but as you say they are fixing it. I would trust anything they do. I have handled most of the rifles they make and I am impressed with their stuff. Very cool toys. Highly recommended.

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Thanks for the reply. They do seem like stand up people. And their reputation preceeds them.


I was kinda hoping someone would say that is what the magazine in the stock should look like or not. It seems like that "L" bracket should be more centered over the hole"




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