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Is the rut still on?????

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I made it back out today and saw 3 bucks chasing....Finally....



Do you mind sharing what elevation you were at? I thought I’d outsmart the coues over the weekend and work my way up from a lower elevation (3k), from the sign I found it looks like the nice weather (Sun and Mon) pushed them back up the mountain towards 6k, either that, or I walked by all of them. By the time I got to 4,600ft while calling every ~500ft in elevation with no response, I was wrecked and decided to pack out.

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For what it is worth....

Right at dusk on Saturday, I saw a three pointer right up a doe, at @ 3900 feet, Catalinas.

However, the behavior mirrored a spike on Jan 8th, or so, (close enough I sorta passed on a shot as I am chock full of spikes).


That day, @ Jan 8th, a more experienced archer said that the chasing isn't necessarily rutting, from the doe's viewpoint. Therefore, I merely relay what I saw Saturday, a buck pushing a doe right where I would've been if the snow wasn't so pretty a little farther up.....


Sunday, again 3900 feet, a buck circles around some does in that area, and my stalk ended with a doe busting me at 30 yards, thanks to a lovely swirling mountain wind. Rut? I don't know; I have much to learn, as "me novice" in this regard.

I am enjoying this recurve hunting immensely.


Good Luck

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