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HELP!!!Coues Science Fair project Data needed.

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My son Miles (10) needs data for his science fair project.


Our game cam just isn't getting hit enough (partially due to my bad aim) to get the data he is trying to collect.


He is trying to collect data using a game cam over a water hole and compare that to weather conditions.


date, time, and number of animals. Vacant pics count as 1 animal (something had to trip it). Originally he wanted to survey just deer, but that rapidly changed since we aren't getting enough data on deer alone.


Trying to get data in southern AZ so he can norm it to the same weather data as his data. Preferably data collected in the past few months if possible.


We don't want to know where your camera is, just that it's in southern AZ.


If anyone can help it is greatly appreciated. I'd have him post, but we don't allow our boys to maintain any internet social media accounts.







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