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I think some company needs to jump on this

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I have a hard time understanding why any company would want to share a fraction of a small wealth market (with expo conditions) when they could have an entire market of Average Joes all over the Western US for almost nothing. If I were a large company with many competitors and little differentiation between products I would consider hitching my wagon to or helping to create an organization that advocates for Hunt Opportunity rights. This company would realize immediate goodwill by being the front runner during the inception of such an organization. Even a public statement that they refuse to participate in private expos involving tag auctions would give this company instant recognition. There can only be one "first" company to do this, when it happens it will go viral. I think a good name for this organization would be the Western Hunt Opportunity Association, (WHOA!)...the same thing we all say when they try to pass another crappy bill.


There is a big company in Southern Arizona that has a direct competitor in Salt Lake City. The Arizona company makes good products, my Dad bought me one at Sunbird archery (35th ave and camelback in Phoenix) for my 10th birthday (Phaser 2). I killed a lot of squirrels, rocks and rabbits with that bow (and missed a few deer).


There will be a small group of highly motivated regular Arizona hunters discussing current issues and hunter advocacy options this Tuesday. We could probably scrounge up an extra seat if someone from this Arizona company or another like minded company were to have an interest in joining us (Mesa Bass Pro 2/21/12, at 515 PM).


Thanks to Amanda and CW.com for being the home field for the good guys in Arizona. It is kind of ironic that a website that puts the spotlight on the often underappreciated Arizona coues deer is supporting the mostly quiet voices of the Arizona hunting majority.



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