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Not really sure how asking for pictures of the glass makes me sound like less than a legit buyer. I also offered to pay via paypal and money order (the two most legit forms of conducting internet transactions)

Sorry if I overreacted. I was just frustrated that I tried to buy them but then didn't hear back from you and then seeing your post that they are available here. I can assure you that I am a legit buyer. There are a couple guys on here that know me, and I have a website www.365pursuit.com with all of my info on it.

Like I said today, if you will ship them, I will buy them.

Sorry again for any misunderstanding and for not texting before posting here.

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It was probably the auto correct on your phone but it sounded like the hundreds of scam emails I get from "general smith " who would like to give me 3 million dollars for no reason because he found a gold boulder in Africa. Broken English is a red flag these days (not a racial thing) when it comes to internet deals.

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