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Just looking for some help hunting Coues Deer. Just moved here from Kansas, bought my Archery tag and ready for the season. Im having trouble figuring these deer out. I live in Hereford and plan to hunt 35A (its close and I havent scouted any outside that unit). I have scouted all the canyons close by (Miller, Carr, and Stump) and have seen nothing but doe, and little sign otherwise. Are they high/low elevations? Seems when I ask people (mainly border patrol) they are also hunters and very secretive. Im used to pretty predicatable big Whitetails in Kansas, so this will be a hard adventure for me. So any help/advive would be greatly appreciated.

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Buy the most expensive pair of high power binoculars and a spotting scope you can afford, find a 400-1000 ft mountain, climb up it before sunrise every day for the entire hunt, and GLASS GLASS GLASS!


If there are does there are bucks, but you've got to find them.


Welcome to Coue's country!

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Find a high spot so that you can see ALOT of country. Be prepared to glass for hours and hours and hours. Be patient and don't just look for whole deer. Look for ears, tail, antler, rump, etc. These deer are alot smaller than the deer you're used to and 10x as wary. This time of year the bucks are starting to find the does so if you're seeing does, don't give up. Watch them until they bed,and then plan your stalk. And thats the easy part ;)

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This is my first year hunting them too. From what I've seen the tracks from a mature buck look the same as normal whitetails so you can locate them that way. They are hard to see and you need good optics. The spot I hunted yesyerday is steep broken country and glassing is limited to 150 yards or so. I just barely stuck my head over a ledge and picked up my glasses and a doe was looking right at me. I had the wind so she just looked. I let her see the antlers I had with me and rattled them a bit. She went back to feeding and I backed out. I circled and saw some other does and some indistinguishable deer, then they just vanished in the brush as they fed. Later I was studying the tracks and found the tracks of a large buck. They were bigger than the rest and the rear feet were inside the front as he walked. If I can figure it out maybe I could kill him. It's thick , steep and the wind changes every 30 minutes. Probably why they like it there. Good luck on your hunt.


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Welcome to Coues hunting and CW.com..... You are in for a culture shock!!! :lol: I don't know anything about your unit down there, so the best advice I can give you is this: I happen to know that there is a really nice AZGF Wildlife Manager that lives right in Hereford.... I'm guessin' that town ain't very big.... find him or call him on the phone and pick his brain a bit.... You aren't gunna get any honey holes, but atleast you might come away with a starting point. ;)



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