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About MogollonMan

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  • Location
    Peoria, AZ
  • Interests
    The Outdoors

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  1. MogollonMan

    Auction tags

    The commission could care less about the opinions of hunters, they have shown that over and over again. They only listen to people and organization with deep pockets and the anti hunting community.
  2. MogollonMan

    Auction tag

    I think you mean "Does not" or "Doesn't". "Don't mean shoot in the woods" DOESN'T make a whole lot of sense. Also, while it might not mean "shoot in the woods," it can save you from looking like a fool in a written communication chat room.
  3. MogollonMan

    Auction tag

    Trphyhntr is dead on. Not only can people be hard to understand, but when the grammar issues get excessively egregious and/or repetative, your words can take on an entirely different meaning. Everyone makes occasional grammar errors, but for the most part, it really is not all that hard. If it is, maybe written communication and chat rooms aren't for you.
  4. MogollonMan

    Auction tag

    I think you are missing several points people are try to make for you. 1. Grammar, it matters, it is important, and you are struggling with it. You are saying a lot of things that I don't think you realize you are saying. 2. You seem to be creating a credibility issue with the comments about Jimmy Johns that don't add up, the Home Depot post, and the Side by Side posts. 3. All of this Jimmy Johns talk is making me hungry. They make good sandwiches. I know what I am having for dinner.
  5. MogollonMan

    Auction tag

    I don't know anything about this man, but appreciate the money going to our wildlife. Also, I have a hard time giving any credibility to your account of the situations above. If nothing else, he seems to be a fairy smart business man. Seems unlikely he would behave like that in front of "possible new franchise owners" especialy females. Second, unless he owns that particular franchise, he wouldn't have authority to fire them. Seems like you have an axe to grind.
  6. Plesae post some information about your operation, at least an outfit or guide service name.
  7. MogollonMan

    Can you enter draw at 9?

    This place has gotten as bad as FB with guys sharing wrong, bad, and even dangerous information. 😒
  8. MogollonMan


    At $1500 you are practically giving this setup away. What is the catch?
  9. MogollonMan

    Liberty Safe

    Did you shoot it up becasue of this current situation?
  10. MogollonMan

    Arrow weight

    People WAY overthink the arrow weight thing. Get a good quality arrow and broadhead, make a good shot, and good things will happen.
  11. MogollonMan

    Hatch Green Chili Source?? (EXTRA HOT / HOT)

    For you home roasters, any tips? Do you throw them on the grill or do you have one of those fancy roller baskets?
  12. MogollonMan

    Coues full velvet mount

    Any chance you done exterior stucco repair?
  13. Any recomendations for these tires? Most miles are on the highway so I don't want to go too arrgessive on the tread to deal with excessive noise and short life. TIA
  14. MogollonMan

    How long until cards are hit??

    If you didn't get the tags you THOUGHT were a lock, it is because you didn't take into account the new pass that now preceeds the bonus point pass. I don't think the official name was announced, but it has been dubbed by some of us as the "The Social Influnecer" pass. In this pass, much like with bonus points, tags are alloted to individuals accourding to your number of social media followers. AZGFD's new program since they aren't paying these guys anymore. We will be seeing a lot more of Newberg and the Hushin crew this year. You all need to be taking a lot more selfies with Mountain Ops, Mountain House meals, and tucking your ears into your hats.